Gayas Way - California

Integration & Aftercare Plant Medicine


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30 Reviews on “Gayas Way”

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  • I spend most of my life as a Christian and in the process felt disillusioned after having gone through some losses of loved ones. My heart and soul felt there was something more beyond the veil & through a # of God-dream experiences, they led me to exploring spiritually with a more expansive viewpoint. After an 8 year journey inwards and away from the religious dogma I realized I grew up with, I found meditation, breathwork, learned about chakras and began to see that they were all valid and good for my life. I later learned about Ayuhuasa & thought one day, I’d like to try it & most recently decided it was the next experience in my evolution/spiritual expansion after talking to a friend who shared their positive experience. Having never done any kind of recreational drug or plant-based medicine as Ayuhuaca, and not sure what I would experience, I did some research and was led to Chance after saying “no” to another ceremony that didn’t meet my needs. I spoke with him for 1.5 hours on the phone & felt like he could touch my heart and soul & after praying over it, getting some questions I had about safety concerns with showing up as a female, I decided to reserve my spot with him for a 3-day Dec 2023 ceremony. I’m beyond grateful and blessed to have had my 1st ceremony with Chance & Eric. I felt so loved and so taken care of throughout the 3-day ceremony. There were many times during the 1st 2 days I contemplated leaving (more so because I had expectations and didn’t experience the outcome that many people I knew had) but I stuck through it with their support/guidance, and by the 3rd day, I found myself falling into the deepest and most encompassing experience with the Divine- an experience that is so deep/profound I still can’t wrap my mind around it. Chance & Eric created the space for me amongst my other fellow participants that was so loving, caring & supportive so that I could experience fully the unique & oh-so special experience I was having. Chance/Eric also provided the most delicious and nutrient rich meals following each ceremony – which we all appreciated so deeply. They pour their heart & soul into doing everything they can to provide each of us the space to experience whatever is that we each needed to go through. Having had a such a great experience, I’m excited for the chance to participate in another ceremony with them again. Love you guys and what you’re doing to help others in their spiritual growth & expansion.

  • Chance the Shaman! During our time together.. he never gave up on me. His spiritual guidance along with his apprentice Eric were a truely dynamic duo! Both very sincere practitioner’s of their craft. Honored to be apart of the tribe! Namo Amituofo!

  • Although I have not sat in a ceremony with Chance, I reached out to him a few weeks ago due to a dire situation I was in after a spiritual attack. Chance and I never met but when I reached out to him via e-mail, he texted me within hours and we then spoke on the phone for another hour and a half while he was scanning my energy, giving me his advice and words of wisdom, and he even sent his red dragon to help me for the next 3 days to make sure I was safe. His kindness, insight, and wisdom are unmatched.

    The backstory – In early June, I sat with a different ayahuasca group in Arizona where I unfortunately had a spiritual attack from a dark entity/energy. This other group I sat in ceremony with did not have a shaman and they were not prepared to handle the dark energies that can come through during these ceremonies. I felt unsafe during the ceremony and was attacked by this dark entity shortly afterwards. My intuition was telling me during the ceremony that I was not in a safe space and I was unfortunately right.

    Chance also gave me insight into how this likely happened and explained to me in detail as to how ayahuasca ceremonies really should be performed and by whom. We also talked about spiritual protection as I have been having a bit of a spiritual awakening these last few months and he gave me additional guidance as to how to protect myself as I embark on this spiritual journey. Chance is an amazing soul and I hope to one day participate in a ceremony with him. I have full confidence in his shamanic abilities and in how much he truly cares about helping people.

    Thank you for your kindness, compassion, wisdom, and empathy.

  • I was referred to Shaman Chance by a trusted friend and had three private sacred Sapo/Kambo ceremonies with him.

    The ceremonies were so meaningful and profound for me and provided transformation beyond what I imagined. I didn’t realize how vulnerable it can be to go so deeply inward during ceremony. I am so grateful to Shaman Chance for conducting these sacred Sapo/Kambo ceremonies in such a peaceful, lighthearted way that guided my intentions and the ceremonies to a profoundly spiritual place. Thank you, Shaman Chance for facilitating my beautiful journey within; for creating a sacred space and protecting me in that sacred space; and for guiding my conversation with Sapo/Kambo in a way that fully connected, informed and nurtured my Spirit.

    I trust Shaman Chance. He is deeply committed to his practice and works with integrity and caring. He has my contact information should you wish to speak with me about this recommendation.

  • Right off the back I knew chance was someone I would connect very well with he had this calmness that meshed very well with me and automatically out in a sense of safety and warmth.
    There ceremonies and people were so beautiful in many ways and I felt myself grow so much from this experience that I canbot express or thank chance enough for showing me what I’m capable of,
    I hope anyone reading this will get some support or knowledge from something someone says

  • I can only thank Chance for the life changing experience. They made me feel safe at all times, and guide me during my journey. After the ceremonies I healed not only inside, but also my body recovered from a severe knee pain. I totally recommend Chance, he’s such a great human being, and I will be eternally grateful for his support.

  • We had a private session with Chanceand I have to say that I was awed with his ability as an healer and passion. he is an exceptional being and ceremonies he conducts are magical. He is a healer and supernatural in his performance. He is one of the best out there. Thank you so much for everything!

  • I have made a tradition to sit with chance once a year and it is completely life changing. he is a such a gentle and loving soul that is dedicated to healing people. he forever changed not only my life but how I view and perceive life. he saved my life from my own disempowerments and enabled me to regain my power as a man, father, lover, brother, and son. I’m honored to call him my shaman and my big brother

  • I encountered Chance in, the most serendipitous way two years ago and have sat with him ever since. He is the most adept spiritual practitioner I have ever met in my 67 years. I have struggling with childhood trauma, addiction and PTSD. I had a lot of apprehension, when I attended my first ceremony not sure what to expect except what I had vicariously researched. Chance proved to be an amazing guide and gatekeeper. I was able to surrender to the medicine and let go and let flow. I adhered to the diet as prescribed and thought carefully about my intentions; I wanted to go as deep as possible to find my authentic self. I had a rough time, but I believe the way out is the way through, and Chance was there with me every step of my journey as I was transported through a portal to the cosmic universe to meet with Mother Aya and my high power. The healing energy, compassion and love that I received, due to Chance’s ability to move in out of the spirit world, was not just an ecstatic experience, but it allowed me to let go of my ego and realize Mama Aya would show me what I needed as opposed to what I wanted. The music, shamanic dances and chanting created an ancestral and medicinally infused setting; I felt like I was high in the mountains of the Peruvian Andes. The most important part of my experience is that I felt safe and trusted Chance completely with my entire being. The post care is superlative which includes very healthy and nutritious foods to revitalize your body, mind and spirit. The integration circle is phenomenal, which Chance facilitates beautifully with no pressure to share. You really bond with the other participants and I enjoyed the energy that caromed off each person while they were sharing about their journey. This is a 5 star retreat and I can’t wait to sit with Chance again in the near future. Chance is a humble teacher who actively listens, appreciates the human condition and cares about your total wellbeing. Thank you Chance, it is an honor to work with you. Love and appreciate you.
    P.S. It has been a year since I worked with Chance, and there is a definitive amount of healing and neuroregeneration (more cognitive awareness) that I have received permanently from the ceremony with Chance. Will be returning for another ceremony soon…

  • My meeting with Chance felt like divine intervention. We connected straight off the bat and I just felt this deep trust for this man I just met! It turned out that he had an opening for a 1-1 private journey coming up, it felt perfect aligned to dive in with Chance! My experience with Chance felt like he was the tool sent by God for just what I needed at that time. He guided me into the experience very calmingly and gentle. He gave me more than enough space to just feel what I was feeling and was very open to talk and give advice when I needed. The entire space Chance created was just perfect for me to express my feelings and welcome the presence of the Mother. Chance really accommodated my spiritual beliefs and I felt that he completely integrated them into the experience for my benefit. I would recommend taking a journey with Chance to anyone. I’m sure this won’t be my only ceremony with Chance and I look forward to sitting with him again. Thank you so much Brother! Lots of love, Jake

  • I met Chance for my very 1st ceremony about 5 years ago. I couldn’t have asked for a better guide and healer. Chance has become a life long friend and his expertise has been monumental to my journey in life. He is compassionate and patient. Plus his humor truly makes him down to earth. He is an expert at what he does.

  • I cannot say enough good things about Chance, both as a shaman, and more importantly, as a human. We first crossed paths in a one night ceremony back in 2017. It was a large group and I was really struggling. The medicine didn’t hit me until very late, well after everyone else was through the thick of it. Chance came to my aid and brought the most loving, compassionate presence. Through a combination of focused conversation and energy work, I broke through and had the incredible release I so deeply needed. We formed an immediate bond, and I have since sat with him for two different multi-day ceremonies. From my own first hand experience and from watching him work with other participants, I know at a core level how incredible he is at what he does. His love, compassion, patience and care are seemingly endless and come effortlessly. Over the five years we have known each other, he has gone from being my shaman, to my friend, and ultimately my brother, and quite honestly it all happened on day one. If you have any reservations about partaking in ceremony, let them go. If Chance is involved, you are in the best hands imaginable. I trust him implicitly.

  • Chance was highly recommended to me by a dear friend for his integrity and profound intuitive support in his work.
    In our phone call prior to ceremony, I could feel his love, commitment and integrity to his self, to service and to others very clearly. I appreciated seeing the light, kind, laser-precision with which he moves, connects, supports and illuminates in being. These same qualities and the artistic shamanic nature of his presence-in-action naturally supported me and the group in the ceremonial space/unfolding. I trust journeying with him and highly recommend Chance to anyone who is called to go deeper with themselves compassionately and would benefit from having a specialised guide and mentor present. Thank you.

  • I’ve known chance for the past 3 years from Los Angeles. I had a great experience in ceremony with Chance in Austin TX. He is someone I fully trust and know he has a loving, healing energy that transforms peoples lives.

  • Chance is an amazing human being, I’ve done ceremony before with a different practitioner, and he is a very powerful shaman. He was able to get through to my heart and I’m a difficult one to reach lol. I went really deep and saw through my BS, and I felt open and safe in his presence. I can’t even begin to describe the breakthroughs I’ve had over the last few weeks, like I’ve truly begun to remember who I am; since the ceremony I’ve been learning to use my voice. Thank you my friend, this was truly a life changing experience, looking forward to meeting you at the altar again 🙏

  • I absolutely love Chance and how he held ceremony for us. Ive had multiple different ceremonies in the past but the last one I had was with him for the first time and it was incredibly nurturing and you can tell how much he’s really listening and taking in all that youre saying and I felt truly safe with him and his partner at the time. When I started freaking out a little during the ceremony he had no problem holding me and giving me loving and kind words for a good while. He’s very serious about what he does and he genuinely does it well and with the most love Ive seen so far from a shaman. You definitely get what you pay for. I feel the most comfortable having ceremony with him for my future sits with mother Aya.

  • I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Chance & the rest of the group. I was not well when i contacted Chance & appreciated the space to be heard. I do not say this lightly going, this trip set me on the path to learn & become better. I appreciated the one on one Chance gives you as well as group discussion. I was lucky enough to have a very warm & welcoming group. I owe a lot to this trip, group, & Chance. (Reposting due to missing the rating)

  • I have sat with Chance twice and both were incredible, healing, life changing experiences. Chance holds the container with strength so I felt protected. At the same time, he brings tenderness and interacts with participants 1-1 in a way I have not experienced before. Talking through my experience while on the medicine helped me deepen and discover more. Plus it was wonderful to laugh, dance, and sing with Chance. I can feel Chance’s true caring heart. He fills the room with love both during and in between ceremonies. By the end of the weekends, I have felt like family with all the participants. I could not recommend his retreats more.

  • Whether you are looking for an internal self-guided journey or need the support of an experienced healer, Chance will be there to provide the space that is most supportive to your healing at the time. In each of my 3 ceremonies over the last 5 years, I have had completely different experiences and made breakthroughs that I didn’t know were available. You will have to do the healing work but it is much easier to be guided by someone who is deeply and authentically called/connected to the medicine. The space has always been safe and I trust Chance with my life.

  • The ceremony and Chance have changed my life forever! I can never thank Chance and his partner for not just taking me through this beautiful journey, but also going with it with me and making me safe and loved. Highly recommend for any one! Great ful for the friendships

  • This was the most powerful experience in my entire life I want to Thank YOu so much Red Dragon for everything that you have done for my partner and I. You are a testament that magic, love, and light are real. Thank you for guiding me to help myself through this transfiguration and yes the Holy trinity is real in the head, heart, and in the gut. Ahoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • I’m honored to have spent 3 full days with Chance hosting the ceremony. I’ve had many breakthroughs throughout the trip (especially afterwards lol).

    Although I initially had safety concerns, the location ended up being serene and very private. Chance is trustworthy and always has your back. He’s also a dynamic medicine worker with lots of experience and wisdom to share at the moment you need it.

    I remember feeling insecure, raw and vulnerable. I was given the space to release those emotions and nurture the positive ones.

    The 2nd night was rough for me but I was encouraged to participate for the 3rd day. And im glad I was. The last was the breakthrough moment for me and I’m glad I was supported

  • This humans ceremonies have changed my life, I am forever grateful and blessed to have been able to take part in something so beautiful and moving. So much love from this group ❤️

  • Chance is one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met! From the first moment, I felt like we had known each other for an eternity. He has such a gentle and calming spirit. I sat for 3 ceremonies with Chance. The location was amazing, the home cooked meals were delicious, and the space was filled with positive energy.

    As a shaman, Chance brought so much power and healing to each ceremony. Prior to the retreat, I had been struggling with past trauma and significant emotional distress. Chance spent individual time with me during ceremony doing energy work and afterwards doing integration. The entire experience has had a profound impact on my life and continues to heal me everyday.

    I have sat with two other shamans in the past, but there is something exceptional about the way Chance works. I feel blessed to have shared space with him, and I am so grateful for his care.

  • In 3 ceremonies with Chance I have felt cared for, challenged and inspired. The container created made me feel safe to dive deep into the medicine and myself, in order to make way for healing and growth. Chance is loving, sweet, wise and skilled. He is able to occilate easily between his playful and solemn sides, depending on what participants need in the moment. The music and food provided were excellent and added to the experience. I especially liked Chance’s original lyrics, which clearly came from the heart. I look forward to many more journeys with Chance as my guide and medicine man!

  • Chance is a ray of light. My first time sitting was with Chance and I immediately felt welcomed. He provided an amazing experience and is an expert guide. Love you brother!

  • I have sat 14 nights and 1 day sit with Chance. From my very first sit Chance was this bright light of love and kindness. He is so connected with himself and spirit that you instantly feel comfortable in his presence. My transformation and growth under his mentorship and guidance has been extraordinary. His knowledge and care have just been such a blessing. I would rate this 6 stars if I could. Looking forward to my next ceremony.

  • Jacob A Taunton

    I feel fortunate to have met chance at a ceremony. Chance was able to guide me from repetitive negative space to a place of love and warmth where I was able to connect with my heart. Now there is a bond of brotherly love we share from this experience.

  • Jay

    I have sat with Chance now multiple times and each time I walk away with a deeper connection to myself and to universal love. The space held is powerful and safe you will be well taken care of and not disappointed.

    1. My ceremony favilitated by Chance was a beautiful & life-changing experience that had such a meaningful impact on my life & spiritual path. Chance was an amazing facilitator who helped me to feel at ease & relax my mind in order to fully embrace my dance with Pachamama. He provided a very safe space for me to journey & helped me to remember my important place within nature & my connection to its spirits. Chance also taught me that no malevolent energies can prey on me unless I invite them to, he helped me to reclaim my power after feeling personally attacked. Another powerful adage Chance taught me is to ride the waves of life, and know that whatever presents itself, no matter what it is, to ride the waves of life with open arms and surrender to the multi-faceted layers of life. I am very grateful for having the honor of developing a relationship & bond with such a kind, loving & pure-hearted soul like Chance & highly recommend him to anyone who is in need of a truly compassionate being who takes his line of work & calling very seriously.

      1. I had a telepathic experience with Chance and Aya. I was deep in. Couldn’t make sense of the session. Was wrestling with some personal relationship things layered into the Aya trip. I was non verbal and could barely open my eyes. Chance would check on me periodically but I could not speak to him. His presence brought me comfort and helped ease my anxieties. The next morning Chance and I were the first ones up. We were cutting up fruit for the group. We started talking about my experience and he was able to describe to me what I was dealing with. Described with accuracy my relationship dynamics with my wife that we had not previously discussed. We also had this shared experience of being in a different dimension in which he was working on me on a psychic level. I don’t know which small mouth-noises to choose so that any readers will truly understand. Language cracks and crumbles under the weight of the experience I try to describe. Sorry 😞 . This experience eroded some of the myth I inherited from our culture which is we’re biological robots in a meaningless world. Love y’all. ❤️. Chance is an amazing person, healer, and guide. I consider him a life long friend and seek his advice and POV periodically when dealing with life’s journey. Thank you Chance for your time and efforts bringing light into the darkness.

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