Green Heart Healings

Plant Medicine

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12 Reviews on “Green Heart Healings”

Very Good
12 reviews
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  • I had a recent negative experience with this group. I initially paid my deposit to reserve for a ceremony, then they asked if I could pay full in advance, which I did. Then on the day of the ceremony it was cancelled, and they said they would either refund or hold spot for next ceremony. But that was the last I heard, its been over a month and I have not received refund or any communication about future ceremonies despite several attempts to contact them. I see good reviews here so my experience might have been a one off, but I felt important to share here. Thanks for reading.

  • This is a wonderful group. I have sat with GHH on multiple occasions and consider myself very lucky to be a part of this community. On many occasions, I discovered layers of healing and deeper understanding of myself and the world around me through my experiences in ceremony with Green Heart Healings. I would highly recommend this group to anyone looking for deeper connection, understanding, healing, love and an increased feeling of peace experienced more often on a day to day basis. The people in these circles love and accept you as you are. You are free to show up as your authentic self here and not feel judged. There is so much love in these circles, and the facilitator holds a very safe space. The music is also incredible. The facilitator plays a variety of instruments during ceremony, including flute, sound bowls, hand pan, rattles, guitar and he has one tiny little drum with seashells on it that makes a very beautiful and special sound which reminds me of the ocean, what a wonderful instrument, he also has a wave drum that sounds like the ocean as well. Thank you Green Heart Healings for the ceremonies you hold, as they are truly a gift. I will definitely be returning!!! Highly recommend this group.

  • I was invited in as a sound facilitator, I have also been a medical professional studying full body, spirit systems medicine for the last 5 years.

    While the location was beautiful and I have had a very positive experience with a Cacao session with the main facilitator at a previous time;

    I was very concerned when both facilitators that were meant to be senior to me (and myself learning from) could not take physical, emotional or spiritual care for one participant.

    Then further one of them went on to say after the participant was “hijacking the experience” while anyone with the gift of sight would be able to see what was happening beneath the veil. There were not enough facilitators, the integrity was not kept , and blame towards participants over responsibility as facilitators has no room in holding this type of space for others.

    I was able to hold this participant and keep them from bottoming out on Potassium (luckily they could still communicate as they were blacking out on and off) and hold them in deep ancestral space.

    In between this time each other main facilitator came up to myself and another participant/facilitator suggesting the person journeying was trying to get attention.

    Myself was also included in being put in an unsafe space.

    After addressing these issues I was met with understanding at first by 1 of 2 people & then later on, the Main Leader/Facilitator was unable to take responsibility for putting someone in danger.

    My hopes is that he does contact the participant after our conversation and I believe always in possible transformation

    However, right now, My suggestion is to be careful of anyone working with so many medicines in such a short time.

    To be careful working with non-native medicine carriers if you are native and deep in your journey.
    They cannot hold that space for you without deep study and even then possibly may never go as deep as what’s in your DNA allows for you.

    If you have Native American ancestry I highly suggest finding a guide that has the capacity to guide you into your ancestral medicine.
    Someone of your people or someone that has devoted their life to being a student of your people/indigenous people.

    This was more of a well intentioned “trip” in my opinion than a ceremony.

    Having the musical instruments, medicine and “good intentions” does not a safe space make not a “traditional ceremony”.

    There must be transparency, honesty and shadow work present.

    Leaders who do not own their mistakes must rebuild trust in community and admit their faults rather than continue to book circle after circle.

    There was little to no direction while I was there (1/2 of the weekend)
    to participants about praying to and receiving the sacred plant allies.
    This is disrespectful not only to the spirits but also the participants and their journey.

    They are not a commodity to consume whenever we want to stay stimulated and aligned.
    They deserve deep reverence.

    I pray further circles will have the honesty I have called the facilitators forward for. & More facilitators to hold the space as it should be.

    The veil is thin and the earth is changing, this is no time to be putting ourselves or others in dangerous situations as leaders with out taking Physical responsibility and face the people you’ve put in danger.

    When you open a container like that you are responsible & the first one liable.

    When people complain there’s a reason.
    This is a call to face the shadows.
    & be honest.

    Best wishes for the evolution of this heart, and at the same time this is my truth.

  • Brian

    Had a transformational ceremonial weekend with GHH. This was a beautiful space to share with others, many different types of medicine were offered, I felt that Matthew and his facilitators were experienced and maintained the highest standards of safety the entire weekend. I would recommend to any family member or loved one or to any beginner that is looking to try on their first plant medicine experience.

  • Niko

    There is so much love put into these ceremonies and it really shines. The positively lively song and dance, the warm hugs and smiles all shared while sitting under the stars unforgettable.
    The vibes are simply off the charts all weekend.

    To meet and bond with fellow spiritual seekers around a central fire, is an experience I recommend to everyone on planet earth. Here you are welcome to be yourself, and in doing so you discover that there is so much love to be shared with everyone you meet.

    You make it known that the journey to self discovery is not necessarily a lonely one. Thank you all for your patience, kindness, compassion and understanding. The memories and loving support you made here will guide and inspire us to shine bright throughout our lives.

    “Sirius, Venus and the lunar child
    Giggle and the flames grow higher,
    Dance in a circle around a central fire,
    The indigo children…

    Wine, song, food and fire!
    Clothes, shelter and seed!
    No more need for the old empire!
    When the indigo children come.”

  • Seth

    Had a ceremony weekend november 2020. Was an amazing experience and I was able to grow so many new understandings about my self! The weekend has literally had an impact on my life in some of the best ways, and everyday I am grateful for it. The medicine leaders and people that surrounded me all felt like family, and it was one of the realest experiences that I’ve ever been through. Love these people and love the love they bring. 999/999

  • Tray

    Great weekend with awesome people. Would highly recommend.

  • KBird

    January 2021 ceremony was a medicinal ceremony I needed that I didn’t realize that I need. It was a wonderful ceremony and I intend to sit in another one in future.

  • Amber

    Finding your tribe can take trials of different ceremonies. I have found my people within this group. Ceremony is filled with love and guidance within the people. I am my own shaman and can heal myself but the people have pulled me out of my cave and shown me the light within. These ceremonies are safe and the experiences are unforgettable. Until Spirit guides me elsewhere this is my ceremony circle. Aho!

  • Tray

    Great experience with awesome people

  • Crys

    My experience with Green Heart was absolutely astonishing! An unforgettable endeavour that will remain in my mind,spirit & heart forever.I was surrounded with people that were caring,kind,supportive & full of love & guidance to give.I would most definitely recommend to anyone who has a calling to sacred ceremonies involving plant medicine.I will undoubtedly be returning in the near future.

  • Moona

    Amazing people!Highly recommend!Thank you for being part of my journey🥰

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