Tree of Life Temple

Integration & Aftercare Plant Medicine Sound Healing


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9 Reviews on “Tree of Life Temple”

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  • Emeline is a wonderful shaman. She created a very safe and comfortable space. Her knowledge of plant medicine is very deep. What I really appreciated is that she supports every person in the retreat and she individualizes the session to each and every person in the group. I loved the ceremony, the food and the place was beautiful with an amazing view.

  • I did the Somatic Healing and Sacred Medicine Retreat in early August. It was a profound experience. I have done other medicine retreats in the past but this was in a league of its own. Emeline is an amazing being and I am so grateful for the experience of the retreat and her masterful facilitation. Here emphasis and support on somatic integration is so key. For anyone wanting to do some sort of a medicine journey I totally recommend her and the the Tree Of Life Temple.

  • I had been considering attending a plant medicine ceremony for awhile, but was not particularly interested in the time and expense involved in traveling overseas. Then, I came across Emeline on IG and was immediately struck by the quality of her presence in her posts. I watched several of her videos, did my due diligence to vet her and her sources for the medicines, and after speaking with her on the phone, felt very confident that I could trust her. I was not wrong. I attended her July 2024 three-day Somatic Healing and Sacred Plant Medicine retreat in California and was blown away. First of all, I like that she keeps the number of participants small so that everyone gets the time and attention they need. Secondly, the vegetarian meals were amazing, and she went out of her way to customize the menu to accommodate my very strict dietary requirements. Also, there is plenty of time to spend on your own in your room or outside. But what I most loved about the experience and what I think is unique about the Tree of Life ceremonies is the incorporation of bodywork. Having trained as a massage therapist myself, I already understand the power of deep tissue and myofascial techniques for releasing stored trauma in the body, but I never would have guessed that combining somatic work with the technology of the medicines would have such a profound effect on me, particularly post-retreat. As I write this, I am still deep in the integration phase and truly appreciating the amazing support she offers for this most important part of the process, including 1:1 consultation, group Zoom calls and links to embodiment exercises. It is obvious that this work is a calling for Emeline, and I love how available she is and how connected I feel to her whether she is in front of me or miles away. I recommend Emeline, her co-facilitator, Sonia, and the Tree of Life Temple wholeheartedly.

  • Chaos. We all live in it and we can’t escape it. I let it get the better of me and let it drive my life which resulted/results into broken relationships, lack of patience for my children and missing all the signs of help that are right in front of me. Time management with work, kids, obligations and self love has not been sustainable thus far for me to do with grace and stability. I know it’s possible though, it has to be. I can do all these things while staying centered and present. I’ve had enough therapists explain this space to me and I get the concepts but I couldn’t connect it completely like I have been able to now……

    …..I live in the untethered space at the moment. I intend to remain here.

    I’m taking my integration seriously and have already partaked in the first integration meeting which was very helpful. I will lean on my other support systems I have at my disposal. I am so grounded (new concept for me).

    Everything flowed so well during the retreat with Emeline and Sonia and the love held in that room was exactly what I needed. The somatic work was really a hug for my heart and soul and I released tension from an old injury that has never healed properly. This is where healing starts. I can’t say enough good things about the whole experience. So much so that my husband will be partaking in one of the next ones. From the bottom of my heart thank you so much. If you feel called to heal I highly suggest you choose Emeline to hold your hand xoxox

  • I’ve sat in a number of ceremonies now, and thus far my ceremony with Tree of Life is at the top of the list. Emeline is one of the most intuitive, tapped-in shaman I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. It’s like she has a 6th and 7th sense of where I was at (emotionally, physically, etc.) without me saying anything. It’s the kind of instinct that only comes from having deep and intimate personal experience with plant medicine and traveling deeply inward on her own healing journey.

    Her somatic practices, breathwork were eye-opening… and I just felt layers-upon-layers of trauma and tension being shed from my body.

    The most unique thing about the way she facilitates is she puts such a strong emphasis on grounding. I’ve never experienced that level of grounding in my life. So many ceremonies open you up so much to the spiritual heavens that it can make you feel fragile, raw and vulnerable as you get back to the real world. We can have the most profound visions of past lives, alternate dimensions, spirit guides, etc., but at the end of the day, we’re still living on this planet and this dimension… and we still gotta ground all of that back into this reality if we really wanna make an impact on our lives.

  • Greetings, highest regards to The last ceremony I attended Emelines somatic bodywork was amazing and removed emotional blockage in my middle to lower Chakras and lower extremities. Her assistant Sonia was on point and both of them together manifest healing and a safe space to release trauma.

  • Emeline is simply incredible! The best, period. It was my first time participating in a plant medicine retreat and I was skeptical and nervous. Emeline made me feel so safe, while at the same time giving me the space I needed to go through my process. She is caring and was there for everyone in every single step of the way, protecting us. Her guidance and care before each ceremony to make sure everyone was prepared physically and mentally made all the difference. And when I thought she could not be more amazing, after we all went home I received the most loving integration email from her, again caring, protecting and supporting us after we were back in our normal lives.
    Im so grateful to her and feel blessed to have had my first experience with Tree of Life.

    PS: food was amazing!

  • I’ve sat with a few shaman. Emiline has a caring energy all her own. It can help facilitate a lot of growth. During one of the ceremonies, I went into a rough process. I could feel Emeline right next to me. However, when I looked up, she was on the other side of the room.

  • Emeline is a very intuitive and practiced shaman. I feel the significance of my experience was greatly influenced by her abilities and compassion. The set and setting were impeccable. The food was amazing and so were the accommodations. Definitely one of the most profound weekends of my life thus far. Her continued assistance with integration being even more impactful in my personal growth.

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