Reviews on Listing

  • Although there were two very strong, very supportive leaders (Jess and Viktor whom individually helped me through the nights and I highly praise) during the ceremony I sat in I did not appreciate the low level of professionalism shown by Shaba across the board and reading these reviews written by women I now see how many of them have had their experiences tampered with due to his lack of leadership and inappropriate advances which deeply hurts me. While in integration circles Shaba seemed to be mostly self involved discussing his personal traumas for up to 90 minutes at a time, struggling with diverse issues and darkness that did not deem him a suitable Shaman for the group and this darkness was uncanny and overwhelming. The entire duration I sensed high levels of uneasiness if not fear among the group which resulted in lack of vocal expression. I won’t go into detail as my experience does not compare to those of the victims on here but I will say that he is not fit to be leading these healing journies and I deeply wish Jess and Viktor would move up to take them on, only then would I consider a return. Thank you.