Reviews on Listing

  • I would like to give a huge Thank you to Aurora and her beautiful gifts.
    I saw her for an One on One Soul Alignment session and my session was with her was remarkable!!! She removed blockages and walls I put up that prevented healing of my past hurts and deep seeded childhood trauma.
    When I did a Plant Medicine Journey with Aurora everything fell right into place. Walls were dis mantled which allowed my healing from very hurtful trauma to be received.
    I was able to sit with my trauma… feel it, let it speak to me and thank it for protecting me all these years. I gave birth to that trauma and released it from my being. My healing has been tremendously transforming. Feeling joyful, patient, lighter, and even a greater love for myself.
    Thank you, Aurora for supporting me throughout the whole process. I always felt supported, cared for and protected.
    Thank you my friend for my huge healing and transformation!💜🙏💜🙏💜🙏