Reviews on Listing

  • If you’re feeling called to Ayahuasca and your heart is in the right place (open, pure, respectful) this is the place to go. Set and setting are of paramount importance in psychedelic journeys, and if you’re willing to do the work to create the right mindset, Teri and Dea provide a setting that is physically, emotionally and spiritually safe to explore whatever comes up for you – and I mean WHATEVER comes up for you. Teri is a professional, and more importantly, she’s a mother. She’ll guide you, help you where you absolutely need it, and then she’ll let you find your own way, the way it’s supposed to be.

    The first time I sat with the medicine was here at Hummingbird Heart Sacred Medicine Church in September 2019. That experience was the catalyst for a shift in my life that led me down an incredible healing journey. The work was not always easy – in fact, it was excruciating at times. But slowly, and with the help of the medicine a few more times, I was able to elevate in permanent and sustainable ways and let go of so much of the pain and worry that once crippled me. Of course, the work never ends.

    My experience in April 2023 was my seventh and eighth times sitting with the medicine, and after a two year break from the medicine, my growth was amazing. If you respect the medicine and do the work, it will provide. My two experiences here were both beautiful and life-changing, and it had everything to do with how comfortable and safe I felt in Teri’s home and the work I did over the years since my first ceremony.

    In summary: Ayahuasca is not a cure-all, but it is an excellent tool if you are feeling like you want to make a real change in your life and are looking to open your mind, expand your consciousness, and face your demons. If you’re going to work with the medicine, Hummingbird Heart Sacred Medicine Church is of the highest integrity. Teri and Dea took good care of me both times I stayed with them, and I hope the medicine calls me back to them in the future so we can continue to learn and grow. 100% recommend.