Reviews on Listing

  • I cannot say enough good things about Chance, both as a shaman, and more importantly, as a human. We first crossed paths in a one night ceremony back in 2017. It was a large group and I was really struggling. The medicine didn’t hit me until very late, well after everyone else was through the thick of it. Chance came to my aid and brought the most loving, compassionate presence. Through a combination of focused conversation and energy work, I broke through and had the incredible release I so deeply needed. We formed an immediate bond, and I have since sat with him for two different multi-day ceremonies. From my own first hand experience and from watching him work with other participants, I know at a core level how incredible he is at what he does. His love, compassion, patience and care are seemingly endless and come effortlessly. Over the five years we have known each other, he has gone from being my shaman, to my friend, and ultimately my brother, and quite honestly it all happened on day one. If you have any reservations about partaking in ceremony, let them go. If Chance is involved, you are in the best hands imaginable. I trust him implicitly.