Reviews on Listing

  • I have sat with the medicine with this group off and on since 2015, have no interest in sitting with any other group. I have also facilitated and served on what is their support crew. In all my roles I have had nothing but what I intended: excellent journeys, deep and focused healing, and a bliss that comes from carrying nothing unneeded. I highly recommend researching as much as you can, doing 3 nights in a row (not 2, not 1), taking the dieta seriously for 2 weeks in advance and 1 week after, and perhaps even sitting with one of the master plants before your ceremony weekend. For newbies, perhaps drop sitting with the master plan before your first weekend. You’ll get much more out of a master plant sit after having some experience with Mama ayahuasca. You are blessed, beyond measure; the medicina will help you transform into a lover of all, a blessing to all you love.