Reviews on Listing

  • These were my first Ayahuasca ceremonies, coming off the heels of over a year spent with just over a dozen Bufo ceremonies. I was guided to Mark by Spirit, no question. I knew that I needed the powerful, loving feminine energy of Grandmother Aya. I had three incredibly stunning ceremonies with a True Master of Ceremonies, Mark. Each was different and so incredibly powerful, filled with Light and Love. In the first ceremony, Grandmother introduced herself to me all night with nothing but the pure LIGHT of her LOVE. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! Stunning!
    The second ceremony was serious Loving lessons from the Grandmother. forcing me to confront my own behavior that had hurt my loved ones over the years and it was painful, but beautiful. After confronting my own blackness, She allowed me to enter a realm where I could do battle with my ancestral pain and the ancestral pain of my family. And I chose to go there and remove that pain myself. She actually gave me that choice. After accepting and removing the last of my family’s ancestral pain, the ancestral pain of my mother’s, Grandmother allowed me to slip into a realm of a beautiful fire surrounded by the most beautiful ring of white light where my ancestors were waiting for me…….. and the feeling of them waiting for me to arrive, welcoming me in and accepting my presence has left me reeling in the best way possible. Mark was right there the entire time and protecting me only the way a Master can, realizing where I was and what was going on. I came back into the most beautiful realm of PEACEFULNESS and LOVE. ABSOLUTELY Mind / heart / Life-altering experiences. Mark’s Icaros are so very powerful and filled with PURE LOVING INTENTION He guided me back into safe and beautiful realms that completely defy our normal language.
    In Our 3rd ceremony, I was BLESSED to meet my Sprit guide for the first time in my life. He danced around me the entire time with complete joy, explaining how proud he was of me for battling my ancestral pain and confronting my own personal blackness head-on. After that, AYA wrapped me in her arms of LOVE and LIGHT for the remainder of the journey. I am still stunned and have permanent feelings and visions burned into my psyche from those three nights. ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS and almost BEYOND BELIEF!!!!! I spent the days after calling my love ones and telling them how much I love them, and how important they are to me in my life. HEALING, HEALING, HEALING.
    Thank you for the immediate integration when the ceremony closed. That was vital to all of our understanding of what we just went through.
    Thank You, Brother!!!
    This is just the start with you, Brother! Aya is my medicine of choice, and Mark is my Healer of choice. I wouldn’t even consider going with anyone else, anywhere else. My connection with Mark and my fellow travelers those three nights is unbreakable. All My Love!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

    Aho, Brother!!