Reviews on Listing

  • I encountered Chance in, the most serendipitous way two years ago and have sat with him ever since. He is the most adept spiritual practitioner I have ever met in my 67 years. I have struggling with childhood trauma, addiction and PTSD. I had a lot of apprehension, when I attended my first ceremony not sure what to expect except what I had vicariously researched. Chance proved to be an amazing guide and gatekeeper. I was able to surrender to the medicine and let go and let flow. I adhered to the diet as prescribed and thought carefully about my intentions; I wanted to go as deep as possible to find my authentic self. I had a rough time, but I believe the way out is the way through, and Chance was there with me every step of my journey as I was transported through a portal to the cosmic universe to meet with Mother Aya and my high power. The healing energy, compassion and love that I received, due to Chance’s ability to move in out of the spirit world, was not just an ecstatic experience, but it allowed me to let go of my ego and realize Mama Aya would show me what I needed as opposed to what I wanted. The music, shamanic dances and chanting created an ancestral and medicinally infused setting; I felt like I was high in the mountains of the Peruvian Andes. The most important part of my experience is that I felt safe and trusted Chance completely with my entire being. The post care is superlative which includes very healthy and nutritious foods to revitalize your body, mind and spirit. The integration circle is phenomenal, which Chance facilitates beautifully with no pressure to share. You really bond with the other participants and I enjoyed the energy that caromed off each person while they were sharing about their journey. This is a 5 star retreat and I can’t wait to sit with Chance again in the near future. Chance is a humble teacher who actively listens, appreciates the human condition and cares about your total wellbeing. Thank you Chance, it is an honor to work with you. Love and appreciate you.
    P.S. It has been a year since I worked with Chance, and there is a definitive amount of healing and neuroregeneration (more cognitive awareness) that I have received permanently from the ceremony with Chance. Will be returning for another ceremony soon…