Reviews on Listing

  • This was my first experience with Ayahuasca 5 years ago. Since then I’ve been to the Peruvian Amazon and worked with the Shipibo tribe which has taught me a lot about authenticity and what kind of people should be serving this sacred plant medicine.
    With this group, the lack of integrity, humility & responsibility for the participants bordered on neglect. It was obvious the facilitators and person serving the medicine were not properly trained & inexperienced.
    What stood out the most as a red flag was when I went up to get a second cup. The american gentleman serving the medicine was completely intoxicated. He could not comprehend that I was there and in need of assistance. I never did get that second cup.
    There were other instances but this one in particular really bothered me.
    This was 5 years ago so hopefully this person has been replaced with an authentic shaman. Someone who respects the medicine as well as the participants and has had years of indigenous training.
    Overall, I would definitely not recommend.
    As always, do your own homework and listen to your intuition.