Reviews on Listing

  • I have always been skeptical about religion,spirituality,mysticism,God. My 1st night was so profound I thought I had met God. So that set my mind down the path of spirituality and seeking more answers. Each time I did the medicine I realized more and more about Love and what we are an what true love is. Mark helped me understand messages that i wasn’t comprehending in that moment. I always tried to put a face on God or what it is or how can he allow bad things in the world. The way Mark broken things down about my lessons and answers to all my questions was truly remarkable. The whole 3 nights were so profound I made a relationship with the medicine that I want in my life forever. He was so helpful during the ceremony at times he somehow knew what i was facing or going through and he would come up with mapacho an blow it on me i could feel beautiful energies all around me. I would tell anyone nervous about ayahuasca to come to Mark. From the minute I set up ceremonies over the phone he was helping me prepare I used SSRI for 10years. He taught me how to wing off safely things to replace it with and After my ceremonies with him in november I haven’t used them since. These experiences have changed me inside out I don’t want to eat bad anymore or smoke weed I want to be a light to the world an spread the love. In one of my visions during ceremony Mark was singing an Icaro an I saw the plant spirits all around me healing me cleaning me loving me. My mind was opened to a whole new way of Living.
    Thank you Mark and thank you ayahuasca!