Reviews on Listing

  • I have sat with the Oregon AYA church a total of 6 times. I have been impressed with the facilitator of this church from the very beginning. While it was not my first experience with Ayahuasca, it was very pleasant over both nights of each weekend I attended as it was a small group with 2 facilitators. The medicine was different and stronger from my previous experiences.

    My 11th sitting in June (first profound experience with the devine) was with this church and while I was having a touch time, the lead facilitator came over to me and supported my experience in the proper tradition. My whole body and all my cells were vibrating as I began humming (for over 2 hours). Phillip (the leader) on 2 different occasions attempted to help me clear and purge (once with Agua de Florida and another time blessing me with tabacco) but Mother AYA said she wasn’t finished with me yet.

    The evening was filled with many icaros by the leader and some singing from the 2nd facilitar. The leader played several guitar instrumentals, drums, and even some music on the hand pan.

    At one point during the evening I had to go into another room because I was humming, shaking and disturbing others in the room that were on their journeys. Philp (the leader came in and checked on me on at least 2 occasions. later the other faciitator sat outside on chairs under the stars for awile and helped me process what was going on in my journey.

    Finally I started to feel myself coming out of the medicine at the kitchen table (after being under the medicine for over 3 hours) as I began to enjoy a bowl of warm and nourishing soup in front of me which he cooked for the particpants (after 3am and the closing ceremony). One spoonful at a time. Being so mindful of each bite, the smells and the texture in my mouth. Reflecting my head towards the bowl in reverence for all the steps it took to provide this food for my nourishment.

    In the end I didn’t have a physical purge during that ceremony (this was the first time for me to experience this) but I purged every other way possible.

    My 14th and 15th sittings (August) are to date my most profound experiences and these occured with the complete support of this church, the leader Philp and 1 additional factator. A repeat of the great music across the evening and occasional checkins with me when I was having a tough journey.

    I have always felt safe and supported with this church and have already registered for cermomies in November with this church.

    I enjoy his icaros, his instrumentals, hand pan music and his respect for the medicine and the cermomies. I attended his first public ceremomy weekend in March and have gone back for repeat performances in June and August.

    I am NeuroDivergent dealing with both ADHD and ASD symptoms.

    I am a childhood trauma survivor and doing this medicine as a support of EMDR with a trauma / Psycadelic informed Therapist. I only started this journey last December and have been making significant progress on reprocessing my memories and removing trauma from my body with the guidance of Mother Ayahuasca, Amida Buddha and this church.

  • I want to state that I have had several sittings with this church since December of 2022.

    I have always felt like I was in a “Mother’s womb” when I have been at their facilities for a weekend of ceremonies.

    Their leader (Scott) and all their facilitators and Karma crew are “angels that have had their wings clipped so that they can spend time on this earth helping us heal from our trauma”.

    The set and setting of this healing medicine is really great. The music, instrumentals, and songs (icaros) give us nourishment on our journey of healing. You feel the earth underneath you supporting you thru the canvas mats on the floor. That are swept of sand and replaced when someone purges their trauma on them instead of hitting a bucket

    The wonderful facilitators approach participants introducing themselves before ceremonies begin and answering questions as well as supporting us on our journeys with the medicine.

    The karma crew that keep things running smoothly thru the entire weekend including preparing the space, providing fruit in the morning to nurish us, and replacing our purge buckets with clean ones and return our (purge) trauma back to mother earth.

    These facilitators bring with them tools they have learned on their journeys to Peru to help and guide us on our journeys. They bless the space and us with burning sage before the ceremony and throughout the night to keep it safe for everyone here and welcome the spirts and guides that will help us on our personal journeys.

    It truly is a spiritual place of healing and something I have endless appreciation for what they are doing for us as I move forward on my healing journey.

  • I have sat with the Oregon AYA church a total of 6 times. I have been impressed with the facilitator of this church from the very beginning. While it was not my first experience with Ayahuasca, it was very pleasant over both nights of each weekend I attended as it was a small group with 2 facilitators. The medicine was different and stronger from my previous experiences.

    My 11th sitting in June (first profound experience with the devine) was with this church and while I was having a touch time, the lead facilitator came over to me and supported my experience in the proper tradition. My whole body and all my cells were vibrating as I began humming (for over 2 hours). Phillip (the leader) on 2 different occasions attempted to help me clear and purge (once with Agua de Florida and another time blessing me with tabacco) but Mother AYA said she wasn’t finished with me yet.

    The evening was filled with many icaros by the leader and some singing from the 2nd facilitar. The leader played several guitar instrumentals, drums, and even some music on the hand pan.

    At one point during the evening I had to go into another room because I was humming and shaking an. disturbing others in the room that were on their journeys. Philp (the leader came in and checked on me on at least 2 occasions. later the other faciitator sat outside on chairs under the stars for awile and helped me process what was going on in my journey.

    Finally I started to feel myself coming out of the medicine at the kitchen table (after being under the medicine for over 3 hours) as I began to enjoy a bowl of warm and nourishing soup in front of me which he cooked for the particpants (after 3am and the closing ceremony). One spoonful at a time. Being so mindful of each bite, the smells and the texture in my mouth. Reflecting my head towards the bowl in reverence for all the steps it took to provide this food for my nourishment.

    In the end I didn’t have a physical purge during that ceremony (this was the first time for me to experience this) but I purged every other way possible.

    My 14th and 15th sittings (August) are to date my most profound experiences and these occured with the complete support of this church, the leader Philp and 1 additional factator. A repeat of the great music across the evening and occasional checkins with me when I was having a tough journey.

    I have always felt safe and supported with this church and have already registered for cermomies in November with this church.

    I enjoy his icaros, his instrumentals, hand pan music and his respect for the medicine and the cermomies. I attended his first public ceremomy weekend in March and have gone back for repeat performances in June and August.

    I am NeuroDivergent dealing with both ADHD and ASD symptoms.

    I am a childhood trauma survivor and doing this medicine as a support of EMDR with a trauma / Psycadelic informed Therapist. I only started this journey last December and have been making significant progress on reprocessing my memories and removing trauma from my body with the guidance of Mother Ayahuasca, Amida Buddha and this church.