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  • Two weeks before my 55th birthday, I made the decision to let go of the emotional baggage I had been carrying for far too long. Rather than masking it with distractions, I began exploring the benefits of Ayahuasca. Traveling to Costa Rica or the Amazon for an extended retreat wasn’t feasible, so I diligently searched online until I discovered The Wounded Healer Sanctuary.

    I reached out via email, as instructed, and Christian promptly returned my call. From our first conversation, it was clear that the universe was aligning for me to take this transformative step. Christian asked all the right questions, delving into my “Why,” my lifestyle, and my health. Throughout our conversation, I felt completely at ease, knowing my privacy was respected and my safety was a priority.

    The anticipation for the 24-hour ceremony was palpable, and when the day finally arrived, I felt a deep sense of readiness. We were asked to wear all white, a request I embraced with enthusiasm. On the way to the location, I found myself confronting lingering anger, but I was able to see the goodness that had come from those experiences, thanks to the mantra Christian had provided during our initial call.

    Upon entering the sanctuary, I felt an overwhelming sense of acceptance, as if I had come home to a place where I could be my true self, free from judgment. The environment was beautiful, and everyone there shared a common purpose: to reconnect with their authentic, loving selves.

    Christian had everything thoughtfully arranged, from comfortable sleeping accommodations to delicious, nourishing meals that complemented the entire experience. These touches added to the overall sense of care and healing.

    Don’t be deterred by sensationalized videos online. The purging process is nothing like being sick or intoxicated—it’s a cleansing experience that leaves you feeling lighter, as if a layer of your old self has been peeled away. When I returned home, those around me could see the positive change, and I could feel it too.

    Since then, I’ve returned for additional sessions, including the Gentle Journey, which has helped me shed the “edge” I had built up over the years. (Photo is of me prior to starting with Christian and After 2 Ceremonies). I’m in love with this process, from beginning to end and everything in between. Much like regular chiropractic care, I see this as essential maintenance for my mental health. Run, don’t walk.

    I look forward to the possibility of meeting you one day. A’ho.