Reviews on Listing

  • LJ, seems you needed photos of Shaba (Salvador) from Ayahuasca Healing Experience (Medicine Wheel ATX) in association to Ayahuasca Cd Juarez. Front and center with the Didg looks to be Emmanuel, back row 2nd from left would be Shaba. Next photo seems to indicate Shaba was likely serving the ayahuasca at this particular retreat from 2017.

    Admittedly, these photos are 4 years old, perhaps their association is not current but to come on here and comment that he has no association and offering that the fact that you have never heard of Emmanuel as evidence enough to just accept that as fact is frankly unbelievable. To further suggest that because you don’t see Jessica in the OP photos and the location looks off is strange to me. I understand you are perhaps looking for clarification but considering the platform you chose, your comment comes off as a sideways attempt to protect a group of individuals that don’t need your protection and likely never asked for it at best and downright gaslighting of the OP at worst.