Reviews on Listing

  • Please do your research before sitting in ceremony with this group. While they appear to be an experienced organization, they do not have an experienced shaman that regularly attends their ceremonies to properly control the energies that come from opening spiritual portals. Nor do they have appropriate integration support or protocols after ceremonies. They just tell you to e-mail or call them if you have any questions or want support. I unfortunately had a very traumatizing experience the last time I sat with this group and I felt very unsafe in the space that they could not contain. They have facilitators, not shamans. They may have guest shamans that appear several times per year but that is very inappropriate considering they have ceremonies every 2 weeks without a shaman present for the majority of them. And with the large number of people who regularly attend these ceremonies – that is detrimental to the wellbeing of those who attend. I unfortunately was spiritually attacked by a dark entity during and after my last ceremony with this group. And when I reached out to the lead facilitator, my intuition was telling me that he didn’t believe what I was telling him. And he certainly didn’t have the time for me when I asked multiple times for a follow up call from him. I felt like I was being shrugged off when I really needed guidance and support – guidance and support that they were not equipped to provide. I ended up seeking out help from a shamanic practitioner and from a shaman who hosts ayahuasca ceremonies with a different organization. This is not the first time someone left an ayahuasca ceremony from Arizona Yage Assembly who was spiritually hurt or attacked that healers in the spiritual community at large have had to step in and help because AYA could not or would not. I have also since spoken to other members of the ayahuasca community at large and gotten additional insight from facilitators in other organizations. I have been told numerous times that we must be careful who we participate in these ceremonies with. There absolutely must be at least one shaman present who is experienced enough and able to control the energies in the space at all times. Furthermore, a more structured protocol with structured integration support and follow up calls should be required to ensure that people are supported afterwards. And certainly not abandoning or ignoring your participant when they specifically ask the lead facilitator for a follow up, who then chooses to ignore the participant. I do not recommend this group.

    Before sitting with any ayahuasca group – do your research, talk to members of the ayahuasca community at large, seek out the wisdom of shamans and spiritual healers of the community to hear about their experiences, specifically people who have had trouble during or after an ayahuasca ceremony and how it was handled (or mishandled). You will find your answers there.

  • Although I have not sat in a ceremony with Chance, I reached out to him a few weeks ago due to a dire situation I was in after a spiritual attack. Chance and I never met but when I reached out to him via e-mail, he texted me within hours and we then spoke on the phone for another hour and a half while he was scanning my energy, giving me his advice and words of wisdom, and he even sent his red dragon to help me for the next 3 days to make sure I was safe. His kindness, insight, and wisdom are unmatched.

    The backstory – In early June, I sat with a different ayahuasca group in Arizona where I unfortunately had a spiritual attack from a dark entity/energy. This other group I sat in ceremony with did not have a shaman and they were not prepared to handle the dark energies that can come through during these ceremonies. I felt unsafe during the ceremony and was attacked by this dark entity shortly afterwards. My intuition was telling me during the ceremony that I was not in a safe space and I was unfortunately right.

    Chance also gave me insight into how this likely happened and explained to me in detail as to how ayahuasca ceremonies really should be performed and by whom. We also talked about spiritual protection as I have been having a bit of a spiritual awakening these last few months and he gave me additional guidance as to how to protect myself as I embark on this spiritual journey. Chance is an amazing soul and I hope to one day participate in a ceremony with him. I have full confidence in his shamanic abilities and in how much he truly cares about helping people.

    Thank you for your kindness, compassion, wisdom, and empathy.