Reviews on Listing

  • Cirine Vue

    I can’t say enough about how professional, loving and caring Mark Lorello is before, during and after ceremony.

    He is as serious about the authenticity of the medicine served, and the care of each person looking for healing as you would expect.

    My path with Mark and his beautiful family has been a Godsend. Under his expert guidance, i have healed so completely and traveled as far and as deeply as I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams.
    Integration happens directly after ceremony and i have never left a ceremony without feeling bonded with my fellow travelers longing for healing.

    I could write and write and write about the multiple ceremonies i have had under Mark’s professional and loving guidance, but suffice it to say, they are Family for Life. I Love him and his family deeply, and I feel a tremendous debt of gratitude for literally saving my life and helping me to turn it around. My attitude and outlook on life is not something i ever thought I would be able to achieve.

    Thank you so Very Much!!!
    All my Love, Mark and Family