- 501c3 Non-profit
- Meals Provided
- Female Led
- Cacao
- Kambo
- Sanaga
- Integration Provided
- Dieta Enforced
- Coed Ceremonies
- Private rooms
- Shared Rooms
- After care provided
- Medical Screening
- Medical Consultations
- Donation based
- Fixed Price
- Veterans discount
About Us
Join us for the our 3-day Illumination Retreat
The Temple of Eden invites you to a transformative three-day retreat from September 13-16 in the serene landscapes of Agua Dulce, California. This retreat will guide you through a profound journey of self-discovery, deep spiritual healing, and Divine love through the Sacramental use of our Holy Toad Sacrament, 5-MeO-DMT (Bufo).
Immerse yourself in a transformative journey with guided meditations, invocation prayers, shadow workshops, and ancestral connections. Illuminate hidden aspects of your psyche and uncover your divine True Self. Experience powerful integration practices, which include the potential for insights into the shadow self, messages from deceased loved ones, visions from Spirit Guides, and glimpses into the Akashic Record. These three days of luminescence will conjure the Light of Infinite Divinity to penetrate and reveal the hidden mirrors of our darkest selves, allowing us to heal and embrace our glorious True Selves. “From the deepest darkness comes the most beautiful light.”
Vegan menuÂ

$1500 donation for shared room per personÂ
$2000 donation for private room per personÂ
$3200 donation for private room per coupleÂ
Pay donation in full or send in $500 deposit to secure spotÂ
We do not charge for the Sacrament or services provided. Donations go towards the operational costs to run the Temple of Eden. The Temple of Eden is a non-profit 508 (cla) Church.
Kambo add on option:
For an additional $222 donation, you can opt for a Kambo session facilitated by Emily Blushtein, also known as @_the_medicine_mama.
Donations go towards the operational costs to run our church. We do not charge for the Sacrament or services provided.
Payment and Deposit Information
Please register online or send deposit/payments through:
- Venmo – TempleOfEden (Last 4 is 0490)
- PayPal – [email protected]
In subject line, please only put your name and the words illumination retreat.
1 Reviews on “Sacramental 5Meo-DMT (Bufo) Ceremony with the Temple of Eden”
The last retreat was so beautiful! So much healing happened. Left transformed and renewed