The UnChurch

Integration & Aftercare Kambo/Sapo Plant Medicine Sound Healing


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24 Reviews on “The UnChurch”

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  • I don’t often leave online reviews, so when I do it’s for something really, really, really worthwhile. I have always been highly skeptical of everything and everyone. It takes a lot for me to trust, but the UnChurch community makes it so easy. I never use the word “blessed,” but there is no better word to describe how I feel to be a part of this community. I’ve been involved in two UnChurch ceremonies and feel so lucky and so beyond blessed that these are my first and only Ayahuasca experiences. The facilitators are well-trained, conscientious, loving beings. They pay attention to every single detail to ensure the best experience possible. There are certain things you can buy or participate in where it’s okay if there are mixed reviews – not *everyone* is going to have a great experience with that toaster oven or lawnmower or dentist, or what have you. But a ceremony space is not something you want to trust to mixed reviews. There’s a reason every single UnChurch review on this site is 5 stars. This group is amazing.

  • I have been to 3 life changing ceremonies with The Unchurch. Fantastic and really no words can summate the overarching reach these experiences have. If you are considering entering into the world of spiritual healing, this is an excellent place to start. Great energy, people, friendships and meaning. Exactly what this world needs +.

  • I had a beautiful first time with Aya here.

    The folks working the ceremony provided me with the care and support I needed to feel safe while also allowing me space to have a journey with the medicine that felt truly unique and healing to me.

  • I have attended two ceremonies over the past month. Both have been life changing. Kerby, the host / shaman, is knowledgeable and experienced. I have felt very safe and supported by him and those who served. The ratio of people serving verse being served is adequate–no groups larger than 10 for my experiences, a 2:1 ratio. The medicine is clean and pure. The guidance is always on point in group discussions and one-on-one. I felt prepared weeks before going into the ceremonies. The people allowed into the space are loving and kind and accepting and just ready to do the work. My experiences have ranged from a full room of everyone purging to a room full of strangers pouring their hearts out in song. I especially love when Kerby plays his singing bowls and other instruments, as well as what is shared during the integration circles. Kirby is gifted in knowing when and how to cleanse a space. Internally, I have felt the full spectrum of emotions, felt my body cooking like an oven to repair itself, visited tribal / other planetary lands, spoken into the collective conscious, rewritten my family’s history, and co-collaborated with Mother Aya in designing my life. The whole experience has been priceless and Kerby is just a very encouraging and an inspirational soul. I look forward to continuing my journey with this group. Thank you so much for serving me 🙏

  • This is my first ceremony and something within me knew to trust my feelings right away .
    The moment I met Kerby prior to the actual event I instantly felt a sense of relief and peace , I knew that I was talking to a really amazing human .
    I’ve been battling suicidal thoughts and self harm my entire life , I come from a lineage of heavy trauma and abuse , I have chronic post traumatic distress and have gone through a lot of physical and emotional abuse myself . I have watched it , I have been a part of it , I have re-created it for myself in my adult life, I was an addict to pain and self abandonment . The moment I reached out to Kerby I was in a pretty desperate and low state . I have felt stuck in my self loathing and hiding from the world , immersed in depression and anxiety, I felt like I was a prisoner of my own body and mind unable to escape this terror besides giving up on myself . I finally decided to do Ayahuasca.
    When I arrived at our designated spot I entered the room full of light . Instantly I wanted to know about all the beautiful humans that gathered there . There was an atmosphere of welcome and warmth . Everything inside of me said “ this is it. You have arrived where you need to be “
    Before the ceremony we all did a little ritual and expressed gratitude towards the medicine . The medicine Kerby gets is of the highest quality from the truest source . We were absolutely blessed to be able to have it . Kerby and Hailey and other volunteers were ready to answer any of our questions. They explained everything thoroughly so we knew what to expect as a general idea .
    when the ceremony began we all laid on our really comfortable mats that were prepared for us .
    The lighting in the room was beautiful and calming , the music began playing and shortly Kerby was playing magical sounds of healing . He is so wonderfully attentive to details , he observed the energy in the room and played music accordingly . The music was going straight into my heart space .
    Personally I had a very difficult journey with the medicine , I was going into something I’ve never felt and I started to get really scared and at the end it was absolutely perfect because the group of volunteers and Kerby were there for me every moment I needed them . I felt so cared for , like I never have in my entire life . I felt so supported . They didn’t abandon me , they were there through the thick of it and I came out on the other end with a superb healing experience. What could’ve been horribly traumatic to someone who chose the wrong facilitator or did it solo turned out to be amazingly healing for me . I can’t emphasize the importance of people , energy and settings are ! They are absolutely what will make or break your journey . I am so blessed to have found this group of kind , compassionate and truly beautiful humans . I am forever grateful for the love I have received. The food was outstanding, homemade wholesome meals made with loving energy , Hailey did an amazing job ! Everyone helped each other and there was a sense of community and tribe like belonging .
    It is a truly once in a life time opportunity to experience human connections and allow yourself to evolve to a new level .
    I will never forget the people I became so close to , I found my sisters and brothers , I found my healers and my family.
    Thank you for the unforgettable experience that I am still integrating day by day
    My work and my battle isn’t done but I have gained a sense of clarity and possibility for myself , I didn’t feel ugly or small or useless . I have met myself completely anew . I climbed out of hell and got born into a fresh perspective . The integration part is one of the most important parts of the journey and Kerby and other people in the community offer their support and share what they feel like sharing. You will be helped each step of the way
    Most importantly you will be seen , you will be accepted and you will be loved .
    Perhaps for the first time in my life , what has become completely forgotten by me underneath my trauma defenses and pain I have gained a sense of true trust in human nature , the power of love and compassion .
    Thank you , thank you , thank you
    For being there for me , for creating a safe circle of love that doesn’t hurt .

  • To anyone feeling that calling towards plant medicine, I cannot recommend The Unchurch community enough. The facilitators are fantastic human beings, have such a deep knowledge of the medicines, and also clearly explain what to expect in preparation, the ceremony, and beyond. The fact that they are trauma informed just adds to the pool of resources that they can offer.

  • What an incredibly safe and welcoming space to heal. There is so much thought and intention put in to what they do. They take the time to answer your questions before, during, and after ceremony. But once ceremony is over, The Unchurch still has so much to offer. The community aspect has been one of the most impactful things for me. Whether that be through keeping in touch with those that shared the space with you, or reaching out to Kerby for further integration. I cannot say enough good things about The Unchurch!

  • I am going to have a hard time explaining all the reasons why I love the Unchurch. First, I have a handful of ceremonies under my belt (4 to be exact, many people have done 100) to keep it in perspective. I (like many) have been traumatized (extreme situations and circumstances apply) throughout my life, sometimes I feel lucky to be alive (survivor guilt). But mostly I feel like nobody understands (for the most part, ‘they’ don’t). I don’t feel that way with this community, I find compassionate people who do understand, and that is just priceless. The atmosphere is set by the facilitators who I have also come to know very well, and I feel blessed to have crossed paths on this crazy (understatement) journey of life. I have been on the ‘medicine’ road to healing for over a decade now (too much to write) but I say that to say this- I am able to let my “guard” down and trust, which in turn allows me to be vulnerable. That’s the sweet spot for real healing to happen. If you are new to this- I’ll save you some time. This is where it’s at. I’m not the type to throw around the “L” word around freely like some. I LOVE these people and they know it but it needs to be said for so many reasons. Hopefully someone will take a chance and reach out- no matter what your situation or background is. The beauty is there’s no judgement from anyone and that comes from the top (the facilitators) and those who stand with them.

  • They clearly explain the ceremony and preparation. Once at the ceremony I felt safe and cared for while I was allowed to heal. The site was excellent as well and really great atmosphere.

  • I have been working with these facilitators since January 2022. Not only have made great strides in my mental well-being, I’ve also made great friends from all the ceremonies I’ve attended. This is an amazingly safe space where people can work through their trauma with the best, most well-informed and most compassionate people. I look forward to spending more time in this community!

  • I wanted to share what a beautiful experience I’ve head with these amazing people. It was truly a life transformative journey I took. Part of my healing was the medicine but the huge part of it were the people serving it. They do their work with an open heart and they make you feel safe to be exactly what you need to be to truly transform. Their kindness and acceptance were such a healing elixir for my soul. I couldn’t have asked for a better setting to sit with this beautiful medicine. They are very knowledgeable and skilled at creating a safe circle for us to meet ourselves in the deepest way.

  • I am so grateful to have found this group of people. I was a little nervous going in, it has been so difficult to trust people; the intensity of my past has colored my present and I’ve been dealing with PTSD for a loooooong time. However, there was so much space and love for me to work through the things I needed to, and to heal. Forever grateful, and I look forward to doing ceremonies with these humans again!

  • I have been growing with The UnChurch for 10 months now on deep rooted trauma. I have sat for Ayahuasca, Kambo and Bufo ceremonies. The level of support before, during and after each ceremony is unmatched. Knowing that not only my inner space is safe, but also my physical space is of upmost importance to me. The commitment and selflessness from the facilitators is genuine and comes from the heart. This is my forever community that I will always be grateful for.

  • I have loved all my experiences here. A close community of people who are truly looking at themselves and committed to healing.

  • Safe, grounding, loving, forgiving experience. Highly recommend!

    Words can’t bring the impact I’d like express here. I truly hope you get experience it yourself.

    1. Hey Josh, glad to hear you had a good experience. Would you say the best way to get ahold of them is phone or email? I’d be very interested in joining!

  • My experience in this community with both Aya and Bufo ceremonies has been nothing but positive and transformative. The facilitators are committed to creating a space that is safe physically, medically, emotionally and spiritually. They are able to do this through their extensive trauma based training. The entire community offers all the support needed through the entirely of the process from proper information on how to prepare, apple support during ceremony and then the most amazing post ceremony integration support system. Facilitators who are showing up with the proper skill sets/training and intentions is vital to a healing experience and is the very essence of what makes this community so special and so trusted.

  • Amazing people providing truly healing experiences. The support before, during, and after ceremony is thoughtful, intentional, and loving. The community of people around this church is medicine in and of itself. Highly recommend this group.

  • I would recommend this healing community to anyone who is ready to change their lives for the better. Who has tried many avenues and are still stuck. This is such a safe, compassionate, healing container. The facilitators are absolutely amazing. They are trustworthy, educated, compassionate and supportive. They are there for you before, during and after the ceromony. I have had some major breakthroughs after my ceromony with 5 Meo / Bufo that I couldn’t have imagined beforehand. I have been in therapy for over 22 years, suffered from PTSD, OCD, ADHD, anxiety and depression. While on the healing path I came across this group and these beings and I couldn’t be more grateful. I have found deeper meaning in life, deeper connection to mySelf and am continually growing forward. If you’re ready to let go of traumas and embrace yourSelf I recommend Unchurch for you!

  • The plant medicines that are offered here are high quality. The leaders who lead the ceremonies are wonderful they stress integration not just the experience. Be ceremonies have helped me learn to control my temper and be my more authentic self

  • The facilitators/healers are all extremely knowledgeable in plant based medicine and multiple healing techniques, such as sound healing and meditation. My experience was very comforting, I knew I was safe and taken care of along my journey. Highly recommended to anyone seeking some healing in their personal lives and for those feeling a need to be part of a strong and supportive community!

  • This is a wonderful community of fantastic people who create a safe and loving space for an individual to blossom into true and authentic actualization.
    Truly life changing!

  • Great facilitators that are trauma-informed. Very professional and mindful of how the medicine works. A great community to be a part of.

  • I would recommend this healing community to anyone who is ready to change their lives for the better. Who has tried many avenues and are still stuck. This is such a safe, compassionate, healing container. The facilitators are absolutely amazing. They are trustworthy, educated, compassionate and supportive. They are there for you before, during and after the ceromony. I have had some major breakthroughs after my ceromony with 5 Meo / Bufo that I couldn’t have imagined beforehand. I have been in therapy for over 22 years, suffered from PTSD, OCD, ADHD, anxiety and depression. While on the healing path I came across this group and these beings and I couldn’t be more grateful. I have found deeper meaning in life, deeper connection to mySelf and am continually growing forward. If you’re ready to let go of traumas and embrace yourSelf I recommend Unchurch for you!

  • Stephan Kerby Listing Owner

    This is an amazing and unique group due to their vital background and training of Trauma Informed Plant Medicine Facilitators. This church is designed for people working with and working through trauma. They offer Ayahuasca and 5-meo DMT for members. They serve fresh plant based meals and offer integration on an extremely high level. They have the support in place with medical professionals, therapist, psychologist, integration specialist, dieticians and more. They are more equipped than most groups to help people with their needs. If you are serious about healing and would like to work with the highest level of training then this is the group to consider.

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