Two Birds Church

Cacao Integration & Aftercare Kambo/Sapo Plant Medicine


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54 Reviews on “Two Birds Church”

54 reviews
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  • Two Birds is a beautiful and safe community fueled with love and kindness for everyone.

    You will feel the support and encouragement from your first visit, and there is no pressure, just freedom to express and be your authentic self.

    Finding this loving community has been a tremendous healing step for me, I’m most grateful.

  • Incredibly thoughtful group. Not leading with ego. Loving environment and great community. I’m so grateful to have found this church!

  • I have known Jay for going on ten years now. I have sat with him multiple times and his ceremonies are safe, loving and structured to provide the highest quality, care and assistance when one embarks on this type of profound healing journey. Jay is one of the most ethical, kind, caring, unpretentious and supportive people I have ever known. His devotion to his church, family, facilitators and to helping people in general, is incredibly impressive and I have exceedingly high standards when it comes to scrupulous and honest leaders who stand strong in their integrity. What he and his facilitators have created as a church is testament to the hard work, dedication, cooperation and vision of guiding people to move forward in healthy ways in their lives and create a more beautiful, sane world in which we can all live. He is an incredible, intelligent, thoughtful friend and collegue and I look forward to working with him for many decades to come. Jay is a beacon of light in this world, and we should all be blessed enough to call him ‘Friend’. Keep up the amazing work you’re doing!!!!

  • This is a warm and beautiful community to grow with, especially if you are looking for sincere connection and a safe space to be vulnerable. Two Birds has been instrumental in my spiritual growth and healing journey. I’ve utilized many lessons from Sunday service and applied them in various ways to my everyday life. I have sat in two ayahuasca ceremonies and both were absolutely incredible. Jay goes above and beyond to prepare a comfortable space for all participants while serving delicious vegan meals and brewing the medicine himself with many years of experience. I’m grateful I felt safe enough to truly surrender to the medicine. All facilitators are attentive and easy to talk to. I highly suggest taking the dieta seriously if you want to get the most out of your ceremony. Integration is also very important so that you can truly implement the teachings and insights you receive from the medicine. There is zero pressure to sign up for a ceremony in order to be part of this amazing community. Every second Sunday of the month is designated for lil birds. All kiddos are engaged in activities under loving care in the next room so parents can attend service without the stress of coordinating child care. Two Birds welcomes all with a warm hug and an open heart.

  • I spent months searching for a legal and safe place to have an Ayahuasca ceremony, and I chose TWO BIRDS CHURCH because it had excellent reviews and the price was affordable.
    I had my first Ayahuasca ceremony in February 2024, and it has been, by far, the best decision I’ve ever made.
    It was such a profound experience, and I am not exaggerating when I say that ceremony saved my life, as I was on the verge of suicide just a week before. After my ceremony, my depression lifted, and most importantly, I have never again wished to take my own life. TWO BIRDS CHURCH transformed my life completely, and the support from Jay, the other facilitators, and the community has given my life new meaning.
    Additionally, I am a Life Coach, and whenever I have deemed it necessary, I have recommended my clients have an Ayahuasca ceremony at the church with Jay because I know it will be highly beneficial for them.
    If you are considering having an Ayahuasca ceremony at TWO BIRDS CHURCH, don’t hesitate—it will be one of the best decisions of your life

  • You are in good hands here. The facilitators are attentive, knowledgable, and skilled. They have both male and female facilitators which help foster a sense of security. The facilities and grounds are clean, cozy, and relaxing. I felt completely safe and well cared for the entire time during my ceremony weekend. The food is healthy, delicious, and vegan so you don’t have to worry about being well fed. I’m so glad I chose Two Birds for my Ayahuasca ceremony experience. Their community events are wonderful as well and a great place to make friends and meet interesting and beautiful souls. Be sure to explore all they have to offer if you live near the area.

    I have been attending church with Two Birds for over a year now. It is the safest I have ever felt in a group environment in my 33 years of existence. Despite living in Northeast Texas my entire life, I had never once felt like I belonged here. I always felt out of place or like I would have to move far away to ever find “my tribe”. Little did I know I would discover belonging less than an hour away from my house – I only wish I had found Two Birds sooner! For the very first time in my life, Texas feels like home. All are welcome and all are truly allowed to be their authentic selves and share whatever they need to without judgement, with a universalist approach that leaves room for all perspectives. There is no peer pressure to sign up for ceremonies or anything like that – it took me nearly a year before I signed up for mine and no one ever pushed it on me. One of my favorite things about this space is that most Sunday services are led by a different member of the community each week. This gives us the opportunity to learn so much from each other, since everyone has different strengths to share with us. The leaders are strong of character, humble, confident and capable, but there is no ego dominance or power tripping on their part. There is truly a feeling of equality, transparency, open communication, and just general wholesomeness between leadership and the congregation in our community. This has been a major factor for me in developing trust – as I have not ever experienced such a healthy group dynamic ever before. This is saying something, as I am generally quite jaded and skeptical in that regard, with a strong aversion to artificial hierarchies and rigid power structures such as those in puritanical religious settings (thank goodness Two Birds is NOT that!). Even when disagreements or problems occur, as will happen in any large group setting, they are handled with sensitivity, transparency, tact, and compassion. All are given a voice. They have left me truly impressed with how they have handled the (very few) problems that have come up. I have become a much healthier and happier and whole human thanks to Two Birds. Thank you so much to Jay for starting this church and creating and developing this magical community – it has changed my life and the lives of so many others for the better. I feel so much gratitude towards you and the church. I love this place and the people in it so much! A’ho!

  • This is a group with unconventional spiritual practices and centralized control. I’ve seen troubling qualities during my year there and am convinced there’s a lack of accountability.

    Despite the understanding that one is to wait after a psychedelic ceremony to make big decisions, 1 member left a 12-year marriage, a decision allegedly made from a ceremony led by Jay the church leader and “shaman.” Jay admitted to entering a sexual relationship with this member within 1 month of the divorce and within 3 months of their separation. Jay continued to serve them Ayahuasca as a participant.

    This appears to violate Two Birds’ own written code of ethics. He claims it doesn’t. If that’s true, then their code of ethics is flawed if it risks exploitation and allows for unethical behavior.

    “Unethical” according to professional associations like the American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, National Association of Social Workers, etc. which set the nationwide standards based on comprehensive evidence. The consensus that this behavior is unethical is shared across all helping professions representing the most unbiased objective truth on the topic. There are also laws in some states preventing power dynamic relationships between clergy/congregants.

    The reasons relationships with clients are prohibited, even between consenting adults, apply to Two Birds, whether labeled “church” or “counseling”

    Some reasons cited: an inherent power differential exists in healer/client relationships. Transference is when feelings are redirected onto the healer. Clients face trauma and share very personal feelings that they may not share even with their spouse or friends to which the healer attends with empathy and without judgment. Such an environment is conducive to the development of intimacy. Healers could intentionally or unintentionally exploit this private knowledge for personal gain. Clients may become dependent on the healer for support, guidance, medicine, or the therapeutic environment. Mixing therapeutic and romantic roles can lead to loss of professional objectivity, potentially harming the client’s best interests.

    The professional literature challenges the idea of true consent with such dynamics. The risk of exploitation is high and arguably unavoidable under these conditions. These associations forbid relationships with clients and discourage relationships with former clients, with the earliest allowance being 2 years after treatment, one specifying 5 years, some forever prohibiting it.

    This is the consensus without mind-altering substances. Psychedelics significantly influence perception and vulnerability, demanding higher integrity and clear guidelines.

    Jay is aware of this but disregards it, presumably prioritizing personal preference over research-based standards. This raises concerns about leadership impartiality and shows problems that go beyond the code of ethics.

    Those who spoke up to hold Jay accountable were met with what they felt were ad hominem deflections, manipulation, and behavior summarized by the acronym DARVO. He deleted the accounts of those concerned, including an active board member. I’m amazed this worked because even if his false ad hominem character attacks were true, it in no way justifies his actions.

    All that was being asked was that the code of ethics be revised to meet common standards.

    There was a letter authored by former members, some of whom were in leadership roles, which addressed concerns about abuse of power and misconduct. It included links to peer-reviewed articles, explained why the professional consensus applies to Two Birds, showed how this situation violates Two Birds’ ethics, etc

    Despite multiple members claiming Jay was lying, the church regulars followed suit to discredit and disregard those voicing concerns. Pretty bad for a group that preaches authentic listening.

    Due to these developments, the church lost many of its senior members and half the leadership team.

    This place has cost me a lot and inflicted major emotional pain. I truly believe it is unsafe.

    1. Two Birds Church Listing Owner

      We feel it necessary to address this review and provide important context. The reviewer is the ex-husband of a current member who sought support from our church after leaving what she described as an abusive marriage by Samuel (Sam) McGehee.

      For several months, our church and congregation have faced ongoing harassment from this individual and a small group of his associates. This review appears to be a continuation of that pattern.

      Our church remains committed to being a safe haven for all, especially those leaving harmful situations. We will not be deterred by misleading reviews or intimidation tactics. Our community stands united in support of all our members.
      We encourage those facing abuse or harassment to seek help. Our congregation’s safety and well-being remain our highest priorities, and we will continue to provide a supportive environment for all who need it.

      We stand by our actions and values, and we will not allow false narratives to go unchallenged.

    2. The one star Comment by Sammcg is my ex husband who is an abusive, controlling and a bitter man. I’m reporting his comment as harassment he’s lying about so much in attempt to hurt me.He’s “review” is an on going revenge attempt on me for dating 2 months after the divorce with him. I’m stunned by the level of mental illness he is spiraling into and it honestly makes me so much more grateful at my decision to leave him. So his review is insane I wasn’t a participant in ceremony. I had cultivated a friendship outside of church. Ceremony is sacred and very safe for each individual. Jay is no one’s “shaman” or “healer” you’re the one who heals yourself. We didn’t violate the code of ethics we followed them. Hopefully he can go live his life but he is a miserable man so he may continue to be stuck on this loop for the rest of his life bc he doesn’t know how to move on.

    3. I spent months searching for a legal and safe place to have an Ayahuasca ceremony, and I chose TWO BIRDS CHURCH because it had excellent reviews and the price was affordable.
      I had my first Ayahuasca ceremony in February 2024, and it has been, by far, the best decision I’ve ever made.
      It was such a profound experience, and I am not exaggerating when I say that ceremony saved my life, as I was on the verge of suicide just a week before. After my ceremony, my depression lifted, and most importantly, I have never again wished to take my own life. TWO BIRDS CHURCH transformed my life completely, and the support from Jay, the other facilitators, and the community has given my life new meaning.
      Additionally, I am a Life Coach, and whenever I have deemed it necessary, I have recommended my clients have an Ayahuasca ceremony at the church with Jay because I know it will be highly beneficial for them.
      If you are considering having an Ayahuasca ceremony at TWO BIRDS CHURCH, don’t hesitate—it will be one of the best decisions of your life.

  • Two birds is truly a special place. My ceremony here was beautiful and the community is amazing.

  • So much love for this medicine and community.
    I recommend coming in for a Sunday Service if you’re curious about Two Birds ♥️

  • I sat for the two night ceremony with Two Birds and it changed my life and attitude forever. I learned about spirituality in a very tangible way, experiencing the purification process with my own eyes and heart. Jay was profoundly sweet, patient and accommodating with everyone there and always knew when to appear and offer helpful words. His cooking is also awesome! Two Birds has become my favorite part of the week, sharing healing modalities every Sunday at the church service. Aho!

  • Two Birds works hard to create a safe and loving non judgmental container to support your healing and self exploration. This isn’t a “retreat” it’s a community. They hold Sunday services every week with meditations and cacao ceremonies to help with integration. They even have kids services with fun activities for your little ones! This is a true non profit run on the donations of the members and operates with a high level of integrity. I have sat in two weekend ceremonies over the last year and have had my most powerful and transformative experiences with the medicine here. One of the earlier commenters mentions sitting next to a guy who was having a difficult experience…that was me. It was messy(I’ll spare you the details). Jay and the facilitators very skillfully helped me through it. Despite my embarrassment I never felt judged. I felt held, cared for and gently guided back down to earth. Thank you Two Birds. I am eternally grateful 🙂

  • I sat in ceremony with Two Birds two years ago during the summer solstice, It was profound and deep and magical. Working with this medicine has been the most beautiful journey of healing and self-discovery one can imagine. I have sat in ceremonies with 4 different Aya churches, here in the states, and Two Birds does it right. Their team is experienced and they foster a loving, inclusive and safe environment. I highly recommend them.

  • I sat for 3 nights in ceremony with Two Birds back in April. It was my first time with the medicine. The only feelings of unsafety that I felt was produced by my own self on the second night of ceremony…it just dawned on me that literally everyone was on the medicine and I was completely incapacitated and this could be really dangerous for a million reasons. I had also sat next to someone who was really dealing with a lot and that obviously had an effect on these feelings of fear about my physical safety. The facilitators handled that persons experience with grace, strength and care. Those feelings that i experienced really sat with me for a long time afterwards…just helping me understand that its so important to choose the right group if you’re going to do this medicine with a bunch of strangers. And this is that such group. There are multiple facilitators with a small group of people, that is important. I knew that they had beautiful relationships with the medicine and strong relationships with the medicine…to be able to walk that plane between the two worlds and do what they do requires depth, intuition, presence, compassion, patience, and softness as strength. I was very impressed honestly. The facilitators at Two Birds are a wonderful group of people doing really hard work and doing it with purpose. 10/10 Would attend again and recommend. Truly a safe and caring environment.

  • I was very blessed to attend a two day Spring Equinox Retreat two years ago with this amazing group. I recommend them 100% with no reservations. This community is expertly led with loving kindness and safety. Communication and availability is unprecedented, medicine is strong, and integration opportunities (which are arguably the most important aspect of this work in my opinion) -are plentiful. If this medicine calls you, prepare well, heed the advice provided- this is an amazing group of spirits to journey with and to call family.

  • 5 stars for Two Birds. They are absolutely sincere, and knowledgeable, and invested in your journey. I sat with them for my very first ceremonies, and I felt completely safe and cared for the whole time. If you’re new to this and nervous (like I was!), I give my enthusiastic recommendation of this place. Give them a call or send a message on Facebook and they will answer your questions — I did this multiple times and I never felt rushed. They are incredibly welcoming people. They provide support before, during, and after. Truly a community.

  • Beautiful community of medicine practitioners. One of my most powerful ceremonies was with Two Birds. I refer people to this church often. They welcome everyone with open arms.

  • Gizem Engur

    Very friendly and communicative community!!

  • Martha marin

    This was an incredible rewarding experience and the love and light of the facilitators came through beautifully. We felt cared for and guided all along the way.

  • Janie Aguilera

    I have heard nothing but the best about you, your church and facilitators.

  • Eric Harden

    Great space, safe ceremonies.

  • Nathan G

    Beautiful thing yall f doing… hope to finally get a place in one of the retreats soon…

  • Cameron Hitt

    For my 37th birthday, I treated myself to the Kambo/Sapo cleanse and cacao ceremony. It was a beautiful ceremony and I felt incredibly supported and safe. I haven’t done ayahuasca with Two Birds Church yet, but after my first experience there, I definitely will now!

  • Laken

    I recently visited Two Birds for Sapo and Cacao ceremonies. The facilitators and the space offered a safe and loving environment. I felt wrapped in love the whole time i was there! Will definitely be back for future ceremonies! 💚

  • Shawn Heiser

    A safe container to expand awareness.

  • Crystal Angelica Willis

    I have heard nothing but excellent and magical things about Two Birds Church. I look forward to my first ceremony ☺

  • Apollonia

    Amazing experience with beautiful souls!

  • Jess

    My first experience and I was well prepared ahead of time with information from Two Birds. I felt welcome, safe, and comfortable. I was supported during all aspects of ceremony and still feel supported through the group in integration.

  • Carina

    The leaders create a comfortable and safe space for healing. The groups are small and there is space to talk, make music or just listen. Everyone was super nice.

  • David

    I love Two Birds Church. The people are absolutely wonderful. I have sat with them for two weekend retreats, a total of five nights and my experience with them was incredible. The medicine is potent and their kindness is pure. They are talented singers and musicians and really bring ceremony to life. Most of all, their hearts are open and they are excellent listeners. As I have had questions about my experience, they spent time with me to listen and offer insight. I never felt rushed or overlooked. I would happily recommend them to anyone. The facility they use for ceremony is nice, but I prefer the circle to the patio. The patio seems like we are too close, whereas the circle has a lot of space for ceremony. But the facility has a lot of places to relax and is always super clean and welcoming.

  • Paul

    Wonderful, thoughtful, trustworthy, kind, and lovable people. None of the ego sometimes involved in these circles. High safety and integrity, a focus on what matters without high costs for unnecessary frills.

  • Brian Fryer

    I really got the send that sacred space was being created during ceremony.

    The grounds are well cared for, and the facilitators are outstanding.

    10/10; will be returning.

  • Melissa Hudson

    Such a beautiful space with amazing people. I am looking so forward to doing this again. ^_^

  • Dana Tack

    Two Birds Church facilitators create a safe loving environment for healing. I am so thankful for them! 💜

  • Xenaria jackson

    Beautiful people such great energy!

  • Alan W

    Caring and open group, in particular I enjoy the integration circles they offer monthly.

  • Sara Allen

    I love Two Birds Church. I have sat with several different facilitators and Jay is excellent. So humble yet the way he holds space is to be lauded. If you are interested in sitting with the medicine you will be safe here. I can’t recommend them enough. Most importantly, integration support after your journeys is planned regularly. This community is loving & supportive.

  • Christopher Renteria

    Very nice people from the one experience I had here, and I haven’t had the most pleasant experience with some other churches. Been hoping to find the right church since being back in Texas, and now that I have I’ve definitely been spreading the word to other like-minded individuals in my neighborhood.

  • Bryan

    What Jay and Two Birds Church are doing for this community is incredible and I could never repay them for treating me with kindness, compassion, love, warmth EVERY TIME I meet with them for ceremony. They are vetted, and they know their stuff. These guys are pros. They’ve done their homework. Jay has learned from the best and has in turn become one of them. Two Birds Church is a safe place and they put community first. Thank you Two Birds Church, sincerely from the heart.

  • Shawn

    Magic happens.

  • Holly Best Parker

    Superbly organized community of love

  • Martha

    I’m hoping to get in to a ceremony with Two birds. The integration circles have been a beautiful experience and i can’t wait to get into their busy schedule for a ceremony soon!

  • Rick

    I felt very held by two birds in ceremony. Their intention of service in holding space was strong.

  • Holly Prentice

    Two Birds Church is a safe, friendly environment. I have been attending ceremonies here for several years now, and I’m so impressed how the leaders of the church are constantly evolving and developing to make sure every single person gets what they need from the experience. It’s a structured clean safe environment, hosted by people who really know what they’re doing.

  • Eric Harden

    Great people, committed, safe environment.

  • Eileen

    Beautiful souls ! I recommend Two Birds for anyone looking for a beautiful experience

  • Brad Garratt

    Excellent facilities, extraordinary facilitators! 100% recommended for anyone looking for a safe place to grow and learn.

  • Cordelia Starnes

    This is one of my favorite groups to do ceremonies with! They serve their medicine in love and light and provide vegan, wholesome meals during their 3-day ceremony. They also provide integration to help ease you back into the world. They offer other ceremonies like cacao, sapo, xanga, rape, etc. to enhance your experience. They give you bedding and their prices are 1000% affordable! Definitely show Two Birds love whenever I can. They book months in advance too! Great place for ceremony!!!

  • Levi Hunt

    This place looks amazing, can’t wait for the March ceremony.

  • Two Birds Church provides tremendous service to so many. Their facilitators support a safe and caring environment that allows participants to dig really deep within themselves. From the first integration meeting I attended before drinking with them, I knew I had found my tribe. Their integrity and care shine through. Highly recommended!!

  • I’ve sat with three different plant medicine groups in Texas, and Two Birds is, by far, my favorite. I am of the belief that you cannot emphasize the community and the philosophy of the group providing the medicine enough. Two Birds staffs are marked by their desire to “get out of the way” between you, the medicine, and the transcendent source of healing and growth. This, in my opinion, is what makes Two Birds so effective. They understand that taking the medicine is a difficult task, so they watch you, sing for you, and keep you safe but the journey and the responsibility of going deep in our psyche is left to us. Outside the medicine, they don’t talk about “metaphysics,” “Truth,” “aliens;” and what not. It is about growing and healing here and now. Learning to be present. Facing all those small but difficult truths about ourselves. I trust in this kind of no nonsense approach. THIS is how we are healed, not by focusing on visuals, fireworks, and deeply strange things we can experience in altered states. I am forever indebted to the Two Birds church for all the healing and wisdom they helped me discover in my life.

  • Out of any ceremonies in the states of Peru I’ve sat in, the medicine here is the best, they make it themselves:) They also hold their ceremonies in complete darkness, and you have to stay in your spot. This makes for real healing because you’re forced to go inside instead of distracting yourself, and it makes the ceremony so much more difficult than other places but it also means the ceremony gets into those really dark corners and finds what’s hiding in there so you can free yourself of what’s holding you back. Jay trained in Peru 10 years ago with Enrique and the ceremonies are no joke—but so worth it. He really knows what he’s doing. Really appreciate the way he and his facilitators take care of people after too with integration meets ups to make sure you’re doing okay because the experience is so intense. Also the cacao ceremonies as really nice too. Really incredible how much they care.

  • I have sat in few ceremonies for few years with Two Birds and they 100% have my trust, the facilitators are amazing and I clearly feel their intentions are in alignment with the medicine. Meeting them and working with Ayahuasca has changed my life positively in more ways that I know how to write about. They provide a safe space, emphasize a physical “hands-off” approach while you work with the medicine, yet still support you through the power of icaros. Aside from the ceremonies -> they also hold cacao, monthly community outreach, integration circles, and other resources for the community. In my heart, I feel it is a big blessing that this church exist ❤

    1. Incredible experience. Wonderful and attentive facilitators. You’re never touched but feel well supported. You do the work and they provide the medicine. When you show up you’re greeted with smiles and a tour. They keep everything clean, healthy and secure. Sleeping arrangements are simple but comforting. The meals are delicious and grounding and the Cacao ceremony is powerful and opening!!

      Prepare for your journey starting two month out by writing thoughts of change you want to see in yourself. Removing excess foods slowly at a time to give yourself time and space to make your emotional adjustments to dependency on certain foods(coffee, chocolate, sweets, meats…) Even prepare outfits that represent what you want to grow into or shed during each ceremony, i.e. all black, all white, colors.

      Practice breath work leading up to the retreat. It will serve you well.

      Come and grow with this community and you’ll be very very happy you did!

      Protip: wear the provided diaper. You may be happy you did 😁

    2. Two Birds is a truly incredible community of people and the ceremonies at Two Birds are beautiful and magical. I highly recommend attending Sunday service if you are local.

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