Reviews on Listing

  • I found my tribe! I was nervous about joining an “online” aya activation. There were a hundred reasons to be skeptical and I arrived with all of those reservations. Within minutes, I knew I had made the right decision for myself AND for my collective generational healing. Every soul at the retreat taught me something I needed to learn. Juan and Maria are so patient but firmly encouraged me to push myself toward my healing. The medicines were prepared with love. Maria does not negotiate with how important *you* are. She saw something in me that I had not seen in a very long time; I suppose true healers carry a hope that sometimes we don’t always know we have. There were times that I felt uncomfortable with the amount of compassion and attention. I am not accustomed to people genuinely caring for me without expecting anything in return. But they kept showing up and hugging me and holding space for me to work through my trauma. One night, I was stuck in the shawdow work of grief and a helper sat with me in the cold at 4am for *hours*. She was tired and cold but she didn’t leave me. That human kindness was medicine, the tribe is medicine, the soil of the retreat is medicine. My only prayer is that I remain awakened after this retreat. Bless up!