Reviews on Listing

  • I feel so incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with the people and circumstances that led me to Pine Temple. I had previously sat in a number of different medicine circles but once I experienced Pine Temple I knew I had arrived HOME. The staff arranged pre-ceremony integration calls for several months prior to the ceremony, allowing the chemistry of the group to settle in prior to ever meeting in person. The check-in and orientation process upon arriving at ceremony was seamless and comfortable and the setting of the ceremony is AMAZING. Taita Pedro is otherworldly in ceremony and the staff is attentive and caring yet careful not to interfere with anyone’s process in the medicine. The food is excellent and there are opportunities for group activities and for individual self-reflection between and after the ayahuasca ceremonies. The Sunday morning Cacao ceremony/cleansing/integration circle may have been my favorite part. The entire experience is beautifully organized without feeling rigid or structured. There are many post-ceremony integration calls and the staff makes themselves available for guests who want one-on-one consultation and support. Pine Temple quite literally changed the trajectory of my life. I can’t recommend it more enthusiastically.