Reviews on Listing

  • I will return to Roots2Recovery with Demi Faraday. As a new client, Demi was kind and thoroughly explained the process without a tone of expectation or pressing for a commitment. She encouraged me to take my time and contact her if I decided to move forward. This was an unexpected and beautiful way to be received.

    Following my ceremony scheduling, Demi continued her support by providing pre-journey meetings with the intent of exploring thoughts or feelings about the upcoming Aya event. This desire to check in with her guests continues even on the day of the ceremony. For me, this was critical; I needed to know someone had my back on this first journey. I also did not know anyone that would be attending. This feeling of isolation quickly dissolved after meeting the other guests and sharing our experiences in post-journey (voluntary) sharing circles.

    I felt completely supported in Demi’s ability to hold space before, during, and after the ceremony. Details of how she eloquently facilitates her ceremonies are well documented. Stated plainly, Demi’s genuine nature is to be experienced.

    Godspeed in her beautiful calling to educate the world about the impact Aya can have on our lives. As she indicates, Aya isn’t for everyone. But for me, there is no one I would have rather facilitated my experiences than Demi.