Reviews on Listing

  • I’ve attended 2 Retreats and each one is different because there are people attending from all over who bring sometimes a lot of “Baggage” and when things don’t go their way they attack and or blame Courtni or the Ceremony. Not fare by any means. This might not be the answer to your prayers… don’t shoot the Messenger… I’ve seen Courtni exhibit professionalism and sincere care and safety for the group and Community.

  • I’ve attended 2 Ceremonies. Courtni is a true Professional, Guide, Counselor, Shaman extremely knowledgeable and caring for the Community Members. Because someone had a bad experience for reasons of their own their Egos their Fears does not make Courtni responsible for any of that. She is here to help guide our own particular journey but if you let that fear or ego take over you cannot be helped. This may not be the answer for everyone but you certainly won’t know until you go on your own journey of exploration. Totally trust and confide in Courtni. Thank you!