Reviews on Listing

  • Hey Audra Ybarra, Stormie here. This listing and your review came to my attention so I guess lets go over it point by point.

    “These people are not real shamans and not properly trained”

    well no one uses the word “shaman” here. Drew is our Ayahuasquero – meaning he has been trained to serve ayahuasca. Which he is absolutely qualified to do. After nearly a decade of sitting with the medicine and assisting in over 100 ceremonies he began training with his maestro in Peru. Spent a few months to start and has continued to go back almost every year and completed 5 dietas. We send our group photos to his Maestro in Peru, who is aware Drew is serving and has approved him to do so.

    “They claim to provide food and beverages, But they will cut corners and are too lazy to go to the store to serve the people who spent good money to come to get their help”

    I genuinely do not know what this is referring to. We spent a fortune on groceries at your retreat and then paid $1,000 to cater a vegan meal from a restaurant an hour away, I will say this though, you attended the very first retreat I ever organized myself, and the first retreat drew and I did together, and alot has changed since then. I know we just had facilitators cooking food then but we now have dedicated kitchen staff.

    “They will show favoritism to certain individuals that cannot SEE THROUGH THEM> They immediately treated me and others indifferent”

    I mean, yeah, some people I just feel more connected to, I think that’s normal. You weren’t one of them because I got a bad feeling about you which turned out to be true because you’ve been 2-faced headache ever since. You were messaging me compliments and praise and saying you wanted to come to another retreat , you actually signed up for another retreat, sent your deposit and everything, but then were also talking trash about us elsewhere…. And when I was given screenshots of your trash talking and multiple people came to me saying “Audra is saying this and Audra is saying that” I blocked you, because I don’t play fake 2-faced games, and you haven’t been allowed to attend a retreat since.

    “Stormie is EXTREMELY overweight which I do not judge, I say this to make you understand that when you are “enlightened” you are actually VISIBLY “lighter” meaning the connection to source is so strong that you purge and you cleanse your body and your AURA and you SHED that Extra weight. She is a very miserable person Who projects Her Misery upon the Guests and Others around her.”

    First of all, for someone whose not judging that seems pretty judgmental. Secondly, what a sick belief. You believe enlightenment is reflected in a persons physical form? That’s silly. First of all, there are images throughout all human history of fat goddesses or even the infamous round bellied Buddha who is the archetype of enlightenment. Im fat and that’s part of my healing journey, I also don’t claim to be enlightened, again, Im not a shaman I don’t even serve the medicine, I organize the retreat and run some workshops. My weight is a reflection of deeper issues that are mine to deal with because nobodies perfect. The difference between my struggle and yours is that mine is visible, that’s all. As for being a miserable person… I’m literally not. Im happier then I’ve ever been, I am grateful to wake up every day and sometimes I find sunsets so beautiful they make me cry. I think you might be projecting. I do swear alot though, Ive been working on that, but I also don’t have an issue with profanity, I don’t believe its “bad” to say “shit” and Again, you came to our FIRST retreat, before we were even “Gaian Rhythm” I was a bit more casual in the beginning. You’re mad because we didn’t let you come back. That’s really what’s happening here. It was 2 years ago and you’re still mad, so whose really miserable?

    “They hold ceremonies, they do NOT hold integration themselves or reach out to their guests.”

    That’s because I’m an not integration specialist nor are we arrogant enough to claim to be qualified to do so. You say we don’t do it ourselves but you left out the part where we HIRED a professional integrationist to have calls with the group. Again, that was the beginning. We now we have an Integration specialist who has a masters in counseling available at all of our retreats who holds calls every week. And I do reach out to the guests on occasion but at this point that’s hundreds of people, I can’t keep up with hundreds of people, but anyone can reach out to me anytime. Occasionally though, I do reach out, and actually, I reached out to you when you were posting about struggling, and I have screenshots to prove it. I have screenshots of all of our conversations because that’s what I do when someone proves themselves to be a dishonest.

    “I along with a few others from our 30 person group was removed immediately from the group pages and from Drew and Stormies personal pages, because they only Keep Their favorites”

    Again, you were causing drama and problems, like you still are. The other 2 people who were removed from your group were for similar reasons.

    “they have changed their Name for their non profit multiple times to try to run from the damage they have done to others!!!”

    We changed our name once… but not really. Drew used to operate on his own under the name “Butterfly medicine” and then after we started dating and working together we wanted to create something else, something more, something that has tours and classes and encompasses a variety of events. And we wanted to honor the cycles of the earth so we created “Gaian Rhythm” which is a collaborate project from the both of us versus the name of his medicine which is the only name he used before.

    I wanted to respond to your post incase anyone finds this review and wonders about its authenticity. I didnt make this safe ceremonies listing and I didnt know about it but I posted the link on Facebook today and asked that if anyone was willing to review us we would appreciate it, so there should be a new reviews from others soon.

    If anyone reads this and has a question about any of it, you can email us or message us on social media anytime and I’ll be happy to answer.

    Hope you find healing Audra, but respectfully, if I haven’t made it clear enough, please leave us alone, I don’t want your drama, enjoy your life.