Reviews on Listing

  • I had my first Aya experience this last weekend with Demi and Jamie. I had been contemplating for the last year and finally felt ready! The space the ceremony was perfect and cozy. It was very important to me that my first time I felt safe and I did. I was not sure what to expect. I have tried Chonga a few times and only had that to go on. I had a few friends help me understand that it was similar. The first night was a beautiful ceremony as the second night. Demi was the light and was very conscious and caring from the begginng to the end. If someone is wanting to go on this beautiful magical journey Roots2Recovery is the only way to go! Her singing was angelic, the food was light and perfect and the music was great. She fully prepares you and will counsel you through the process. This was not only one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had in my life but life changing! You will also meet new life time friends through this community. This in my opinion is the only way to go! My new tagline is There is no turning back! Thank you Demi and Jamie. I love you both!