Reviews on Listing

  • We strive to create a beautiful, peaceful set and setting with each participant, starting way before the ceremony begins with preparation instructions and meetings to help build a meaningful question or intention and a matching mantra depending on the individual. We explain that even though you may have set an intention, you have an inner healer that is more intelligent than all of us put together who may show you something different, but trust that your inner healer knows exactly what you need. I am so happy that you felt lighter and look forward to seeing you in another ceremony in the future!

  • Beautiful soul Claudia, you have struggled so much and as I watched the weight of those struggles and the false stories lifted from your shoulders, your eyes became bigger and brighter and you shone out into the Universe as truths were revealed to you! You are not alone, there are many who care deeply about you and those that you perceive don’t care, only need more silent, eternal love poured into them. In the end, you are the only one that matters and your higher Self loves you and accepts you deeply. There is no separation!

  • Thank you Healthier Heather! It was wonderful having you with us! Your energy was such a good fit to the experience and in the integration! As you know, this process is ongoing and includes body, mind and spirit. I leave you with blessings of growth and renewal, which, like the caterpillar into a butterfly comes with its own uncomfortableness and struggle, but is all worth it in the end! Much love and light to you!