Reviews on Listing

  • Dear reader, I’m about to share with you my love for this place and it’s people. I’m sure that if you’ll decide to go there, your review will be the same as the following one.

    The time spent in the “Light of the Shipibo” was exceptionally bright and full of discoveries.

    This is a quiet place with loving people that are acting out their best intentions.

    This is the first time in my life when I experienced such a pure love from strangers.

    Joshua and Julia – the owners of this place, are on their own journey to healing and expanding their minds and hearts. They dig into themselves as deep as they can bear. They bond with the guests by joining the ayahuasca ceremonies and they walk the path together with us, as our comrades and brothers-in-arms.

    To make this process efficient, they built a place with perfect conditions for this kind of work, and they are willing to share this space with anyone who is having similar goals.

    The staff that they surrendered themselves with, is their perfect reflection.

    People that are cooking, are doing it with such love, that the simplest rice become remarkably delicious.
    Everyone is smiling and is doing all necessary to facilitate your experience at the center.

    I want to highlight Jino, one of the leaders of this place. He is a wise, intelligent and loving young man. He will entertain you with his deep love for the jungle, animals and overwhelming erudition. Jino is always present during the ceremonies as a supporter and you can feel that from the place he is sitting, irradiates an extremely positive vibe.

    People like Jino and others are hard to find and the fact that they are all concentrated in one single place, tells a lot.

    An important thing was the low number of participants in the ceremony (there were only five of us). This allowed us to strongly bond with each other and to know each other’s struggles. I consider everyone who accompanied me on this journey , to be more than my friends. We are still in touch and I hope that we will keep this connection as a lifelong one.

    Everything what happened was tailor-made. There was no “conveyor attitude”. The needs of all the guests were met with compassion and understanding.

    If Love and Health are plants, then to help them grow, you would want a place with fertile soil, a lot of sun, humidity and skillful people that know how to make it happen. “Light of the Shipibo” has all the ingredients.

    After finding in this place love, friendship, brotherhood, health and purpose, I will surely return to “Light of the Shipibo” to remind myself about the lessons learned and to go further, deeper into the new ones.

    Peace, love, Sun.