Reviews on Listing

  • BEWARE I came to two ceremonys here at Hummingbird church and I have been to many other ayahuasca retreat. This Guy mixes his brew with Angels trumpet, toè a very dangerous plant! It can actually cause disturbing trips, brain damage and even death
    His medicine is not pure ayahuasca and anyone who has had clean ayahuasca before can tell right away from the effects that its not pure
    Everyone I spoke to had terrible trips
    Many were psychotic, physically harming themselves and other
    Many became unconscious and were struggling with very negative trips throught the whole retreat
    This has to do with the angels trumpet Toè that was added to the brew. Some people even becoming suicidal during thier ceremony and when they asked the shaman for help he told them that he is not a therapist

    Not the response you would expect from a real shaman!

    I can honestly say very little to no healing was done for anyone
    It was more traumatizing than anything else

    I would not recommend this place at all and would not return
    I still feel sick from the mixture he gave me and it is never this way with clean ayahuasca.

    This place has good reviews and is being promoted by alot of people that is why I decided to give it a try but I highly douby they are real reviews
    if you want real medicine with a shaman who has good intentions and cares about your healing do yourself a favor and please keep looking

    Btw every bad review they get they reply the same thing claiming its a lie and they get the facilitators to comment good review right after to try to hide the bad ones!

    This is a real review!