Reviews on Listing

  • I don’t often leave online reviews, so when I do it’s for something really, really, really worthwhile. I have always been highly skeptical of everything and everyone. It takes a lot for me to trust, but the UnChurch community makes it so easy. I never use the word “blessed,” but there is no better word to describe how I feel to be a part of this community. I’ve been involved in two UnChurch ceremonies and feel so lucky and so beyond blessed that these are my first and only Ayahuasca experiences. The facilitators are well-trained, conscientious, loving beings. They pay attention to every single detail to ensure the best experience possible. There are certain things you can buy or participate in where it’s okay if there are mixed reviews – not *everyone* is going to have a great experience with that toaster oven or lawnmower or dentist, or what have you. But a ceremony space is not something you want to trust to mixed reviews. There’s a reason every single UnChurch review on this site is 5 stars. This group is amazing.