Reviews on Listing

  • It is really hard for me to put into words how I feel about this organization and these people, but I will try my best.
    I have never felt fully accepted in my life until I was at the retreat. I was immediately greeted with warmth and good energy and I felt a sense of safeness the entire time that I have always longed for.
    I am an incredibly shy person and I went alone, and not ONCE did I feel excluded, if I wasn’t talking to another person in my group a facilitator would talk to me.
    I learned a lot about myself that weekend and I couldn’t have done it without GaianRhythm. I attended in April of 2023 and Kate still reaches out to me to check in and see how I am doing. Dale cooked AMAZING vegan food to accommodate me the entire weekend. & Bishop!! Bishop helped me SO much. I am so happy Bishop was there to help me. I spent a lot of time with him and he brought me comfort when I was missing my puppies.
    Overall, I would absolutely recommend this organization to anyone who needs healing. I am very far from where I want to be but before Gaian Rhythm there was no light in the tunnel of life for me, now there is. I see it everyday.
    Thank you so much.