Reviews on Listing

  • I have had the opportunity to participate and volunteer at a few retreats with Sacred Sanctuary and I must say it is a truly transformative and eye-opening experience. From the moment you arrive, you are greeted with warmth and sincerity by the knowledgeable and caring staff.

    The retreat center itself is nestled in a serene and picturesque natural setting, which created the perfect environment for introspection and healing. The accommodations are comfortable and clean, providing a peaceful space for relaxation and reflection.

    The ceremonies are conducted with utmost reverence and respect for the sacred medicine. The facilitators leading the ceremonies are experienced, compassionate, and deeply connected to the plant spirits. Their guidance and wisdom throughout the journey are invaluable.

    The ceremonies themselves are profound and life-changing. The medicine has allowed me to delve deep into my subconscious, uncovering hidden truths, and providing profound insights into myself and my life’s purpose. The integration sessions that follow each ceremony are instrumental in helping to make sense of the experiences and integrate them into daily life.

    The support and care provided by the facilitators and staff is exceptional. They are always available to offer guidance, comfort, and reassurance during moments of vulnerability. Their knowledge and expertise in working with medicine is evident, and their dedication to the well-being of each participant is commendable.

    Overall, my experience at Sacred Sanctuary is nothing short of extraordinary. It is a transformative journey that has allowed me and many others to heal, grow, and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. I highly recommend this retreat to anyone seeking profound inner exploration and spiritual growth.