Reviews on Listing

  • I’m a huge fan of Hummingbird Church, their connection to plant medicine, their committment to raising the vibes for all of humanity.

    After learning about Ayahuasca many years ago (90’s) I finally felt called to sit with the medicine in ceremonies led by Taita Pedro Davila with Hummingbird Church.

    My experience was a mix of perfection and horror, with moments like having my head neck deep in a bucket of puke and not needing to move it. Or having tears and snot dripping down my face. To seeing, feeling, and hearing pure magic for weeks, and nowmonths to come.

    Luckily, I did not shit my pants or have any distuptive bowel issues. I did unexpectedly start my moon at both ceremonies… That was odd.

    With all this mess the facilitators were incredibly attentive, always providing clean buckets, water, and papertowels when needed.

    Looking back, there are a few things I wish I had paid closer attention to. First, following the dieta is important for everyone’s benefit, as it helps prevent the place from smelling like bodily fluid purges. Second, taking a week off after the ceremony to sleep.

    Personally, learning more about everything happening during the ceremony helped me understand the “etiquette,” while participating in this sacred ceremony.

    If you see “unsettling to you things” during the ceremony, it’s best to mind your own business and not judge. Dont get caught up because you are wasting the potential of the experience.

    Despite initial feelings of the facilitators being stand-offish, I came to understand that they are holding a safe space for participants, allowing us to do our own healing without interference. This concept of holding space was a lesson taught to me by Ayahuasca herself.

    Taita Pedro’s connection with the divine Mother Aya is truly special, and seeing his transformation from an intense medicine man to a playful and funny himan being brought me joy. Taita is not a “guru” nor does he want to be. Taita Pedro is just a special boy from the jungle who was trained to orchestrate healing from within. I searched for egoic behavior just to make sure I was safe. Himmingbird and Taita Pedro are safe.

    The musicians at Hummingbird Church were an unexpected treat and are also incredible.

    I jokingly say that I am trauma bonded to the music. Its on Soundcloud btw!

    The sound bath at the ceremonies is next-level. I never knew my senses could come alive in such a way.

    One pro tip I have is If you ever feel the need to have a loud process, purge, yell, or move around a lot during a ceremony, it’s important to ask a facilitator to guide you to a spot away from others, as you never know how fragile someone nearby may be. Or maybe nuerodivergent and sensitive to loud outbursts. This kind of shit spooked me at first then I came to see it as ego and it wasnt scary anymore. I only caught glimpses of heavy processing because I was trying to mind my own business and they were very infrequent.

    This is definitely not a party, but an opportunity to shed toxic beliefs and experiences.

    I can’t wait to attend another ceremony in Utah in December and continue shedding layers of toxic bullshit.