Reviews on Listing

  • I have done 3 Aya ceremonies with Demi now (the only that I’ve ever attended thus far) and each experience has been incredibly transformative. I’ve tried (what feels like) an infinite amount of healing modalities and therapies to overcome childhood trauma, particularly around grief from losing a parent and other family members, and nothing has even come close to the impact that Aya has. Before my first ceremony, I knew I had a bit of grief I was holding onto and that I was using unhealthy coping mechanisms, but the medicine showed me just how much I had buried down that needed to be acknowledged and accepted and gave me the gift of releasing and making peace with the heavy amount of grief I had been carrying. After that night, it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders and I became much more in tune with my emotions which no longer held me back. In that first ceremony, I also had a magical experience reconnecting with the beautiful souls of my loved ones who passed when I was younger and it was the most healing I’ve ever received. The whole experience shifted my perspective entirely around life and death and helped me see the magical and mysterious ways that the universe works, which I never previously could have understood. In my most recent ceremony (about 1.5 years after my first), I received a lot of reassurance of how far I’ve come and how much pain I’ve let go of by doing all of this hard work, something I needed to have confirmed. Aya has been one of the best gifts I’ve given to myself, and Demi and Jamie are gifts as well! They are both incredible facilitators, offer great support pre- and post-ceremony, and put so much love into their ceremonies 🙂