Reviews on Listing

  • I can’t speak to any of the above. However there are concerning similarities between this group and Ayahuasca Healing Experience led by Shaba. Mainly just down right fanaticism and disregard for the safety of participants. The only and last retreat I will attended was at Big Bear, CA and it was during a unprecedented blizzard. Frankly the location should have been moved. The storm was dismissed as a Sphinx. My wife and extremely talented healer put it best. Sometimes a blizzard is just a F*ck*ng blizzard. Oh and I certainly didn’t see Andres driving his happy self into that Sphinx as he wasn’t present. Other than that the ceremony was great and the Shaman was a great guy.

    Undercover Shaman

  • I attended 3 ceremonies with Shaba. The first two where a great experience. As Long as Jessica and Rita were there it seems Shaba stays in check. The Third ceremony was in Yukatan, Mexico and was a nightmare. There was a person next to me who kept moaning over and over for two nights straight. I actually confronted her in front of the whole group and she said she had chosen to sit next to me because I reminded her of her abusive father.
    After I called her out, the whole group seem to be able to have a bit of fun, but before that she was attention seeking. No intervention was taken and I know others had a hard time with the repetitive noises. Later I confronted Shaba in regards to providing a safe set and setting and how one person was allowed to override everyone’s experience. My spouse was there and was pregnant and I was assured by Shaba of a safe environment. Mind you I had spent several years building trust with this man. I found out later by another participant that this person always did this at ceremony and I was livid. My response from Shaba about my concerns was some BS about how he saw me. Umm yea I saw him and even warned my wife he was dangerous. Not even three months later we found out about inappropriate behavior with a female.

    Shaba – I see you