Reviews on Listing

  • Women’s circles:
    This are every Wednesday and so so beautiful. They are $10 donations and cacao and 3+ hours and have Oracle cards and such beautiful people and shares and I really really love going to them :❤️

    Clementine: she’s really good at creating gorgeous warm spaces with lots of pillows and blankets and making sure everyone is warm with space heaters, she makes spaces so beautiful with decorations and offerings and is really knowledgeable about the history of cacao and has spent a lot of time in Columbia with tribes there. She is also one of the most knowledgeable people I know about hapé and has spent time with the kuntanawa tribe and really thoughtful about integration and space holding. She studied Kambo with Tribal Detox, who I really trust for kambo. She’s also studied feng shui and you can really feel it in the spaces. I’m so grateful. Something too is she is really good about cleaning up spaces and helping make sure you have all your items and if I lend anything to her I know she is good to return it. I really like her a lot.

    Astra: I’m beyond words inspired by her and she’s done vision quests and has a close relationship with the Katanawa tribe. Her connection too to her Native American roots paired with her shamanic knowledge is really special and beautiful. I always hear her talking really positively about others and shares from a really beautiful space. She’s also really good about money, when I’ve paid for hapé and gave extra because she brought up and that was really nice. She studied kambo with tribal detox so I trust her for kambo too.

    If you’re in Austin I highly recommend them and felt very safe and grow a lot at their events , they were also really friendly when I brought a new friend 🙂💜

    I haven’t sat in a visionary ceremony with them yet, if I ever felt called to bufo they would be my first choice since they focus so much on comfort and feng shui, especially since they offer integrations after