Reviews on Listing

  • Hello all. I have been working with Courtni since 2019. I found her and her retreats at a time when I was my lowest point. Once she began teaching me to heal the traumas of my past, work with the Kambo frog medicine, listen to grandmother Ayahuasca, have faith and trust in myself, I began to have the skills I needed to forgive myself and others. I’ve learned to love myself and others. I’ve learned to manifest my reality and been able to share my growth with others. Her ceremonies are structured for the safety of those who are attending. She is the medicine woman and when in the retreat I honor and respect her as such. These teachings/learnings are not for everyone. Those who take issue with having a strong woman be in charge can turn people away. It can be difficult to surrender oneself to another person. Those who believe the retreat is all about them will be disappointed. While Courtni does her best to allow each person to be an individual in their own right, as they grow and open themselves to the experience, ultimately she is the one with 20 years of medicinal ceremony experience and I trust her.