Reviews on Listing

  • Words cannot express the amount of Love & Gratitude for the Ayacona family.

    This review has been a long time coming, being these divine souls held space for my wife and me in their circle for the 3rd time since November 2022.

    Nowhere near a flex but in reflection, yes we go back to do the work and recalibrate but it’s deeper than that…

    The language of unconditional love Maria & Juan Pablo integrate with their style of practice, I wouldn’t have imagined in a million years!

    My heart opens more and more each time I see them and their amazing helpers. All labels aside, I’ve never felt so at home with such a spectrum of beautiful souls.

    Each group we’ve experienced have broadened that scope of community, we felt was rare in our community. It’s very alive the liberation to be had Im attending a ceremony with Ayacona.

    I have experienced many medicines before in my pursuit of inner exploration and never felt more safe.

    Surrender, Acceptance & Empowerment… The takeaways from each ceremony attended in that order.

    They helped me find a voice, I felt was out of reach from a place of autonomous grace…

    I could go on… They know this! Lol!

    If you want to experience interconnection, go with who feels comfortable. I’m not here to sell you on Ayacona.


    This group is the collective medicine I choose when I need to be guided home.

    Shanti, Namaste, AHO!