Reviews on Listing

  • Two Birds works hard to create a safe and loving non judgmental container to support your healing and self exploration. This isn’t a “retreat” it’s a community. They hold Sunday services every week with meditations and cacao ceremonies to help with integration. They even have kids services with fun activities for your little ones! This is a true non profit run on the donations of the members and operates with a high level of integrity. I have sat in two weekend ceremonies over the last year and have had my most powerful and transformative experiences with the medicine here. One of the earlier commenters mentions sitting next to a guy who was having a difficult experience…that was me. It was messy(I’ll spare you the details). Jay and the facilitators very skillfully helped me through it. Despite my embarrassment I never felt judged. I felt held, cared for and gently guided back down to earth. Thank you Two Birds. I am eternally grateful 🙂